At first, when you start to understand the language of the Universe—when you begin to experience simple synchroncities, etheric messaging and convergences in your life—it’s a really exciting time! • You have a direct connection with the Universe. • You’re able to receive guidance from your guides. • You spot synchronicities easily, and you know how to follow them. • You receive messages all the time, and you act in accord. • Convergences happen, guiding you to a new place on your path. At this stage in your spiritual awakening, you may feel giddy, buzzy, euphoric with this new understanding. Whereas once everything was muddy and unclear, you now suddenly KNOW what to do. You understand the language of the Universe, you’re able to follow Divine instruction, and life is really amazing, incredible, filled with excitement and joy. You may continue on this blissful path for many months, maybe even many years. In this time, you’ll have absolute certainty, deep knowing about what your next steps are. You may have connection with the guides at an accelerated rate, “entering in” once, twice, even multiple times a day. In fact, during this stage you may have guides and the angelic realm around you so frequently, that you have kind of running conversation with them, and are able to check in whenever you like, every hour, even minute to minute. All of this is remarkable, and it is exactly what you need when you are in that heady place of beginning your spiritual awakening, and beginning to open intuitively… these happen simultaneously, as you expand as a being. Note: if you are reading, and this has not happened to you yet, no worries. It is all a process. Even as you seek this opening you are moving toward it. Reaching a Plateau: When Guidance Changes However, after a certain length of time: months, years, even decades of working with and relying on the guides and the Universal language of synchronicity, you will begin to notice things are changing. You begin to notice that synchronicities begin to expand even more. But the direct connection: the guidance you receive in direct meditation, trance, channeling or channeled writing, may be lessening or changing. In fact, it may be hard for you to connect with those familiar, comforting guides you’ve been with for so long—they may be absent, no shows, not showing up at all! This can happen for a few reasons: 1. Your task or lesson is complete with those guides 2. You will be moving to a new guide or guides 3. You are in a waiting or resting phase Sometimes we panic when we can’t connect with our familiar guides, and feel that everything good in our life is now disappearing. This is not the case! A New Phase of Development Instead, we are at the plateau right before we will entering a new phase in our development, where we no longer need the constant, continual, moment-to-moment guidance of our guides. We have expanded enough as spiritual beings in our own right, so that it is now time for us to let go to the continuous tether of our guides. They’re still there. They just are hanging back a little, giving us independence, seeing what we’ve learned. This is similar to the stage of human life when we are babies, continually held and watched by our parents. After many months of being continually held and nurtured, we begin to have the desire to crawl… and later still, to walk. If you’ve every tried to scoop up a busy toddler, you’ll know how difficult it can be: they often squirm and squawk in your lap, wanting to be put down so they can keep exploring. They’re busy on their own all day, and they won’t succumb to being picked up and help, unless they’re tired, or hungry, or hurt, or afraid. So it is with us humans when we begin to have direct connection. At first, we need our guides with us continually… all the time. We’re like babies, in constant need. Later, we’re quite able to walk on our own… and although we may not be ready to have less contact with our guides… our guides know that it is time. But it can be disconcerting, to enter in to Divine space in search of a particular guide, and find that they are no longer there. This transition has happened to me several times, and I’d like to shine some light on what is happening, when we find our once-constant companions suddenly less available, less clear, or maybe even not showing up at all. When Our Task with a Guide is Complete The first reason this happens, is because you are done working with a particular guide. In my own experience, when I first channeled The 33 Lessons, I worked with the guides Constance, Miriam and the angel Gabriel. I worked with these beings for several hours a day, for several months, with Gabriel arriving at the end of this channeling. However, when I was done with The 33 Lessons, I did not receive any more. It was a very hard time; after all of this deep immersion with the guides, and this deep connection and tremendous Light and healing and understanding, it was suddenly over. I have not received again or even had contact with Constance and Miriam, since that time. I believe our time together is complete. In fact, I did not receive more channeled writing as spiritual teachings, for several more years… there was simply nothing. It wasn’t until several years later, that Gabriel appeared again and I channeled The Four Passages of the Heart, which is the sequel to The 33 Lessons. It was a long wait, during which time it was just void. Constant and Miriam have never shown up again, because our task is complete. So… sometimes if you are working on a particular task or receiving particular lessons or understandings from guides, you will complete the task or lesson. And thus, they will not show up any more. A Feeling of Great Loss This lack, or gap, or absence can be very difficult. I remember wandering around the house after finishing the 33rd lesson, knowing my task was complete, for days and weeks, trying to channel… but my guides didn’t show. It was only when I released the experience, and understood that it was a particular experience that was now complete, was I able to move onto new things. If you are doing channeled writing, or having daily contact with a particular guide or guides, know that it may not always be this way. When you have learned a lesson or completed a task, it will be time to move on. The Arrival of a New Guide or Guides Sometimes, we experience the absence of our familiar guide(s), because a new guide has come to take his or her place. It’s sort of a “changing of the guard.” This can be disconcerting, and also exciting. For many years I worked with two tall guides, beings of light. They were constant for me, and gave me many spiritual teachings and understandings. Then, one day, during a normal “connect in” meditation, those guides were not there. Instead, I found Merlin was there… not as we normally imagine or see pictures of Merlin with purple robes and hat, and flowing white hair. Instead, it was a very young Merlin, in his late teens or 20s, with sandy hair and very blue eyes. At first, I thought it was some kind of cosmic confusion. I had no relationship to Merlin; I knew almost nothing about him or his work. However, his presence was extraordinary and he communicated to me in a very clear, very solemn way; it was not a joking matter, it was not a confusion. I still was skeptical, however. That evening, I’d been invited to teach at a spiritualist church in Portland, and what did I see but a picture of Merlin on the back wall; as I taught, I stared continually at this picture. I knew I was being informed about Merlin by this synchronicity, but still I wavered. A few days later, I came home from errands and entered in through our back door, which is where our laundry room is. There in the middle of the floor was a book; it hadn’t been there when I’d left earlier that day, and no one had been at home. In fact, it was not a book we owned, or that anyone in the house recognized. I stood staring at that book, face down in the middle of the floor, and knew it was another sign. With trepidation I turned it over. It was The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron, which soon become one of my favorite novels about Merlin. In any case, I stopped wondering why Merlin had shown up for me, and just began to trust. He’s been one of my main guides, especially during readings and in creating courses, for many years now. I understand that this may not always be the case. In this way, guides also shift: new guides come in, new groups of guides come in. A “specialist” guide may show up. A New Guide May be Waiting, But Not Yet Apparent Each guide helps you focus on a particular understanding; when that course material or understanding is complete, a new guide will appear. Sometimes, you will notice a new guide beginning to show up, off to the side or in the shadows. For example, I have a woman guide who as been there for many years, but she does not come forward often. She deals especially with the veil between the living and departed worlds; helping bringing souls either way, helping with ancestral karma, that sort of thing. I have worked with her a very small amount, but the understanding is that this is for later… later... later. Thus, she is there in the shadows, but I am not actively working with her at this time. When that time may be could be today… or in ten years. I just don't know. You may notice these guides of the future in your presence now too. When the time is right, you will begin to work with them. If We Can Do the Task, We Should Do The Task Finally, we sometimes experience the absence of guides when we’re supposed to be figuring something out ourselves. This might be seen as when a toddler is exploring how to pull himself up on a chair, in order to walk. The wise parent will not interfere at this point; they’ll simply retreat and watch the toddler master this new skill. Sometimes too, we have full capability of knowing our next step, of understanding our path, of knowing what we’re supposed to do next… without running to the guides for help. Part of our journey of soul growth, is using the learning and understanding that we receive from communicating with the Universe—from following synchronicities, receiving messages, experiencing convergences, and working intimately with our guides— and taking all this information and soul expansion, and applying it. Thus; if there is a time that the guides do not appear, after a lengthy period where we have been in touch, it may be that we have the skills to handle the situation without the bolstering energy of Divine energy. There comes a time, in our all learning from the guides, that we grow enough as souls, to move forward on our own. Guides are No-Show When It's Time To Be Human Finally, sometimes the guides don’t show up, because we’re supposed to be resting. As in: Relaxing. Be-ing. Not working on a particular problem, continually and constantly. But letting it go. Gazing at the sky. Watching the leaves in a tree. Begin with our family and friends. Just be-ing. We’re not always meant to be “guided” and “on the path” in an assertive, driven, determined way. Some of the most profound aspects of life happen when we are being fully embodied as our human selves, experiencing beauty, love, connection, relaxation, sleep, joy. If you are continually trying to go to the guides, and they continually invite you to relax, play or be… go do that. Give your Divine self a rest. Go be very, very human for a while. Play with your dog. Cook. Listen to music. Walk in nature. Take a shower. Make love. Sleep. Eat. Ride your bike. Watch a comedy. Do art. Clean your house. Take care of someone. Go visit the ocean. Take a trip. Whatever it is for you. The Divine is not just in the ethers; it doesn’t just come when we’re in contact with the Guides. It’s all around us, in our bodies and homes and relationships and work. If you’ve had a lot of Guide contact, and suddenly they’re no shows: take a break. Go be human. It’s as Divine as anything. For more teachings on spiritual intuition, listen to Ask Sara/Sanctuary Radio, access FREE podcasts and subscribe to the blog! Details at www.sarawiseman.com Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for seekers & soul travelers!Sara's channeled teachings provide weekly inspiration to support you on your path.
January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.