In modern culture, we are told to forget about “doing” and concentrate on “being.”
As if we’re supposed to be sitting around in our lives, locked in lotus position, doing nothing, no thing. Yet this is a misunderstanding. We are not meant to slack, to waste life, to hang back, to not experience. We are meant to have a life rich with a variety of experiences, so that we are continually expanding our understanding of our self in the world. Being doesn’t not mean not doing. It means not “doing” things mindlessly. Not “doing” things that are by rote, that are not well considered, that are old, that are of the past, that are unconscious, that are not conscious, that are not who we are. Often it means “doing” many things: as many as you like. But it means “doing” them from a state of “being,” a state of consciousness, a state of wonder and awe and pain and grace. So that you do the dishes in mindful awe. You go to a coffee shop in conscious connection. You do your work in gratitude and service. You show up to relationship with patience. You do the unpleasant tasks with compassion. You laugh, more than not. You hold humorous and loving perspective, more than not. You relax and take it easy, even when you are most active. You come forward, in a fully relaxed state. You show up fully, in a full state of being. Do you see the difference? Between hiding out in “being”: hiding in states of relaxation that really are a way of pulling more armor around your heart? And showing up fully in “being,” in all and every activity you choose to engage with. Much love, SARA P.S. Registration is OPEN for Intuition University WINTER 2024! |
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.