Here is the channeling for May.
You have been given retreat. From this private space, you are tasked to face the bigger questions, which are how you live and how you die. This separation from distraction will shift you. You are no longer to move and forget, act and forget, always in distraction. You are now tethered, as you have tethered other beings in the past and in the present, and you are asked to look at what loss of freedom feels like. You are now separated, as you have separated people from other people, and you are asked to look at what classes and divisions and hierarchy feels like. The virus is the common enemy, but the virus is also the common denominator. No one is immune, although immunity will come quickly and as a surprise, soon if not already. You think there cannot be a surprise, an invention, a technology, a remedy, but the moment collective soul wills this, it is so. At present, collective soul wills fear and death, and this is how things play. What if you don’t want to be a part of the collective soul who wills fear and death? It is time to apply your energy, and to direct and uplift the understanding of those who do not yet understand. This is not a time to detach. In your retreat, you have been given time and space for spiritual practice—a luxury many of you have not yet known. And yet still, the wasted time, the screen time, the attaching to the fear of the collective soul, instead of using the time to lift collective soul to a new understanding. Forget about you. Release all worries about your family, your friends, your inner circle. Release all worries about your finances, your career, your plans. What is happening is bigger than any of that. You who are lightworkers are asked to be heroic now, just as those who are serving in medical fields and supplying the food chains and keeping society going are being heroic now. You are asked work from where you are. You are asked to work with the spiritual energy of what is at hand, instead of the earth energy. Earth energy allows you to survive. But spiritual energy allows you to change. How can you do this? Forget about you and consider You. Forget about fear, and consider infinity. Forget about how you are limited, and look at how this time, this retreat, this stepping away, invites you to change. This is a grand reset, and you are invited to look at how you live: what you eat, what you spend your time doing, what you spend your time thinking about. This is the time to sift and sort through all that has been karmic: the unhealed relationships to others and to yourself, what you have not done but have longed to do, what your calling is and why you have not answered it, all the ways fear, fear, fear pushes you down from living as your true self. We have sought to make ourselves heard, but our messages have fallen on deaf ears. We are not the virus. The virus arrives as sign, a wakeup, a disrupter, the same way one who does not listen is provided with an illness, or one who does not tend to what is important is provided with an accident. This is not a punishment. It is a gift. For whenever you do not pay attention, you will be provided with new opportunities so pay attention. You will be given the opportunity to reset. At first, when you are first experiencing resets, it can be painful. Over time, as you learn to pay attention better, it become clear that it is easier for you to pay attention always, so these disruptions are not required. And when disrupters come, you have the awareness to know that a lesson is here, and the faster you relax into it and allow yourself to learn, the sooner you feel better. The virus is a grand disrupter. Surely you know, it is not the only one! Since the Shift in 2012, there has been one disrupter after another, some human, some nature, some weather, some disease. In this time, many souls will leave. You have heard foretell of this before. This is not a new idea to you, it has been foretold by many. Souls will leave, and many will immediately return to continue their work. This has happened at other times in the human cycle; you know this from your past lives, you remember it even now. Which is why you know already, that even as souls leaves, souls are already preparing for their return. Some souls, suffering and without respite from suffering, are also choosing to leave but not yet to return. As an infinite being, this is your choice. Each soul may choose. You have done this already many times, in your infinite awareness, your infinite reincarnation from life to death to life. Be aware death is not real on a soul level. Remind yourself this, as you review the magnificence of your soul’s reality. For souls who choose to stay on earth at this time, and this is most of you, in fact nearly all of you, you have already become more tender, more devout, more patient, more kind. In this new way of living, you have discovered how to live differently and this is what is required. This is what the disrupter is for—to teach you a new way. You are part of the body of Gaia! Do you not know this? Just as a cell in your body is a part of your body, so are each of you the cells of Gaia. Your job is to hold a different level of consciousness, a different dimension than that of the animals, plants and earth. If you are not able to manage your dimensional contribution, which is now in relationship to technology, you cannot support Gaia. When you learn to support yourself, you learn to support Gaia. It is all the same. We will hold this for another time. Rest. Retreat. Let fear wave over and through you like a wave moving through water or a breeze traveling through the wind. There is nothing to attach to. Be still, be patient, and trust. Your life will not be as it has been, and this is a good thing. Much love, SARA |
Divine inspiration for seekers & soul travelers!Sara's channeled teachings provide weekly inspiration to support you on your path.
January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.