A while back, I was at my doctor’s for a checkup, and because I have a tendency to show for appointments early, I got to hang out in the waiting room.
Over the years, there’s been a steady upgrade to more comfortable waiting room chairs, better magazines, a complementary coffee bar along the wall. There’s even music piped in now: it’s not quite country, not quite pop, a soft and steady stream of almost Christian-but-not-quite rock that suits the demographic of our region perfectly. Just enough to distract you. Just enough to uplift you. We all know how music heals, and while this particular music was not the most healing I’ve ever heard… it was better than nothing. I choose a chair in the corner where I could carve out a little private space, and I settled my body in a relaxed position and closed my eyes and started meditating just a little bit. Whenever I find myself in a situation that has a good chance of being chaotic, such as going to the doctor or the Department of Motor Vehicles, meditation can really help. I simply detach from outer distractions and pull my awareness in and connect with my guides. It is a beautiful thing to rest in their steadfast support! It is wonderful comfort, to connect in! For here is where we can always find Light, levity, the opposite of gravity, and when you are in a place where things are a little dingy or darker or harder, it’s a great comfort. So, there I was, in this slightly radiant state, when a man shuffled in. I say shuffled, because that’s the only way he could walk: his hands were shackled in front of him with handcuffs, there were chains going around his chest, chains around his legs, and he wore an orange T-shirt that read Oregon Correctional Institute and flimsy bedroom slippers: the kind of thing you couldn’t run in, if you tried to run. On either side of him were two burly security guards, armored up with bullet-proof vests, visible guns, bully sticks and tasers. Whoa. The man sat down a few chairs away from me, a guard on either side of him, and immediately, the energy changed in the room. A titter of shock and fear and disgust rose up from the other folks waiting in the room, and this energy gathered like a wave, building momentum as each person noticed who was now amongst us. It built and gathered and rolled over to me, the person sitting closest to him, and I just looked at this man who was a convict, and these other two men who were guards, and I just let all that energy go. I’m not saying I wasn’t a little bit unnerved, because I was. I was a little bit scared. I was a little bit worried. I didn’t want him there. But I rejected those feelings. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have room for low vibration in my life. I most certainly have not cracked this code. But at the very least, I have been working on, and you also have been working on, this idea of rising up out of low vibration and expanding our Soul selves. And this means that instead of contracting down into shock and fear and disgust, we expand out. Beyond fear. Into compassion. Well, as I was thinking about all of this, the man started to bounce his foot in time to the music. He connected to the music as a way to pass the time, and I went right back into meditation and I connected in to all the Light I could find, and asked it to come into the room. I wasn’t trying to fix anything, or heal anything, or shift the energy in the room. I just connected into the Light, and hoped the Light would do its thing. And what happened next was really pretty simple: the energy seemed to smooth out, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that the man now had his eyes closed, and he was in a relaxed state, and he was listening to the music streaming in to the room. And the other people had gone back to their devices or whatever. And one of the guards picked up Outdoors magazine, and started leafing through it. We all relaxed, when the Light came in. We all just calmed down. We moved out of separation, and back into Oneness. I want to point out, I didn’t do anything special: I just called upon the Light. You can do this too: anyone can. We all share energy. We are all empathic to each other. When one of us gets upset, the others feel it. When one of us remembers we are Light, we are all lifted. We have more control over our shared energy, than we often remember. Much love, SARA |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.