As many of you know, I’m not a fan of Law of Attraction.
Before some of you send comments disagreeing with me, hear me out: It's not that Law of Attraction isn't real: it is. The Universe is continually working to bring us exactly what our heart calls for. But so often how we USE Law of Attraction is either incorrect, or coming from ego instead of heat. This idea of treating the Universe as one big letter to Santa? It's not what we're here for. Think back to when you wrote your Santa wish list when you were six, seven, nine… well, you probably put a lot of things on that list that you didn’t really need, or didn’t even want. You wanted stuff that all the other kids wanted You wanted stuff you’d break the very first day. You wanted stuff, just because everyone told you you should want stuff. And maybe… you didn’t even want stuff at all. Maybe, you were pretty happy with what you had and used already. This idea of want-get, want-get… it was being trained into you. The Law of Attraction is often misused as want-get, want-get, an endless cycle of never being happy with who you are and how you live right NOW… always searching for the new, the better, the bigger. For me, it feels much better to not ask. To not make my wish list to the Universe, and instead to let the Divine choose. To let the Universe lead. I believe we’re each here for our own unique destiny, and if we show up in full service to this destiny, it’s pretty hard… no, it’s impossible… for us to miss it. If we’re here for a reason, for a purpose, for a calling… all we need to do is show up and move in that direction… and the Universe will take care of all the rest. This asking for specifics: the car, the money, the partner… gosh… why do we think we know what we want now, any better than we did back when we were making our Santa list? We get the car, and it only satisfies for a brief moment. We get the money, and we immediately want more. We get the partner, then we try to change him or her. Hmmm… it seems to me that asking: this constant grasping for what we think we should have, doesn’t really make us happy. Instead, we can simply not ask. We can pay attention, and allow ourselves to be led, in all of ways the Universe leads us every minute of every day. We attract our destiny, when we show up to who we really are. Much love, SARA P.S. It's time to sign up for small group training Fall 2016. |
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.