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There is a lot of confusion about living in the Now. If we live in the Now, does that mean we forget our past? Does that mean we stop planning for our future? No. Living in the present moment means being aware of all times: past, present, future, and understanding that we inhabit all times simultaneously. Time's just a dimension, and awareness. It's not linear. So, when you are thinking of the past, what you are actually doing, is going to the past and having the past, that particular parallel Universe or simultaneous reality, happen to you Now. If you are planning for the future, what you are actually doing is going to that future possibility, that particular parallel Universe or simultaneous reality, and you are having that future happen to you Now. There is no difference. Past. Present. Future. All simultaneous and instantaneous. Whatever you’re thinking about: memory or possibility, is where you really are being Now . It isn’t wrong to think of the past, or plan for the future. Sliding through all the timelines is a very valid way to live. In fact, we can't really live another way. We're in all the dimensions simultaneously. However, to be in the present moment is extremely enjoyable. We can drop out of past and future thought. We can relax. And we can simply pay exquisite attention to the magic that is right in front of us. Much love, SARA P.S. Sign ups are OPEN for Intuition University Winter 2023! Learn more |
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.