![]() We’ve been talking about synchronicity, and how the Universe uses synchronicity to help you guide toward you Highest Possibility—to the path that will lead you to the most important experiences, the most profound level of soul growth in this lifetime. We’ve talked about simple synchronicities, and the way you can understand these simple synchronicities, such as beginning to seeing the number 11:11 or 3:33 or 12:34 etc., and to understand that the meaning of these numbers is important—what the Universe is asking you to look at is what you were doing, thinking or feeling at the moment you saw the number. For example, if you are seeing 11:11 when you actively engaged in a search for a new job, you will understand that the Universe is encouraging you to keep on with this process; it is giving you notice that you are on the right path. When you are in Flow, synchronicities happen constantly If you have learned how to move in the energy of Flow, you will not just notice one simple synchronicity in a day: you will see them all the time. In other words, you will see them throughout your day, most days. Further more, once you really start to understand how to live in Flow, you will notice when this steady stream of encouragement and connection from the Universe stops, and you will make efforts to navigate yourself back to a state of Flow, at which time you will what you have been doing, thinking or feeling. Often, synchronicities stop when we numb out, are in a lot of darkness, have a lot of distraction, are under stress, are in fear, etc. In other words, when our vibration lowers, synchronicities are harder to notice or don’t show up as much. When our vibration is high, synchronicities abound. In other words: when we hold high vibration we experience more Flow, which means we have more markers of Flow, aka synchronicities. The more we are in Flow, the more Flow continues. Again, this is hard to understand when you’re just beginning this path, when you’re first starting to open up your consciousness. But once you get used to it, and begin to follow in complete surrender to the Mystery, you won’t be able to imagine going back to the old way you lived before. Etheric messages tell us more In addition to simple synchronicities, you will also begin to notice etheric messages, which are ways the Universe gets your attention. These are ways that the Universe communicates to you using words, language, sound, song, music and other uses of symbolic communication. For example, if you are searching for an answer to a question, and a certain song continually plays on the radio, even at times or on stations you wouldn’t expect, that’s an example of an etheric message. Or, if you are searching for guidance, and you continuously receive emails, seemingly out of nowhere, that point in this direction, that is another example. A word of caution about internet communication: cookies and bots can skew your interpretation of etheric messages. When you are following messages, make sure that the messaging is “organic,” and real. For example, you can trust a message such as seeing a license plate or street sign, or opening a book and reading a phrase, or an email from a real person, much more than a promotional email that you receive because of cookies or bots! Strands, clusters and convergences Now, once you’ve really used to using simple synchronicities and etheric messages, you will begin to clusters of messages. I call these strands. Sometimes strands are linked: you might get a message that leads you to the next message, and so on… so you begin to follow an etheric trail of breadcrumbs, each link leading you to the next. Or sometimes, when the energy is very high, you will experience what I call a convergence, which is where time, space and intention collide. You know what convergences are already, because you have experienced them every thing something really major has happened in your life. These major, pivotal or turning point events can be either positive or negative, but they are always unmistakable: they represent the meeting of Universal energies in a way that changes the course of the future, or moves the course of the future toward its next step. You can’t stop convergences, and you can’t miss them. The sense of energy around these events is palpable: you may sense tingling, hyper awareness, hyper psychic activation, a feeling everything is turned on, a feeling that magic is in the air, a feeling that God is in the room, and so forth. Examples of convergence might be: • You met the person who was going to be your spouse and the mother/father of your children for the next twenty years. • You met the person who was going to be your boss/colleague/friend for your entire life. • You went to or heard about the place you were going to live the rest of your life. • You lost your job, were in an accident, had an illness, had an experience that forever changed the course of your life. • And so on. If we look at convergences as places or spaces where intention and energy collide, and if we understand that the intention is both yours, for all the things you are hoping to create and manifest in your life, and also the Universe’s, which is endlessly moving you toward Highest Possibility, then you understand that a convergence is a jumping off place, a place from which there is no turning back Convergences alter destiny I sometimes call this “two paths” or “fork in the road.” In a convergence, you suddenly have the choice of two paths: yes or no. Or, you have the choice of which direction you will take on the fork in the road: left or right. Whatever you decide to do (or decide to not do) represents a shift in the fabric of the Universe: your life will be eternally altered by your choice. In other words, when you are faced with a convergence, you are faced with choosing your destiny in that moment. Think back now to the events that lead up to the convergence of you meeting the person who was going to be crucial in your life: lover, partner, business partner, friend or even nemesis. At some point, you’re going to remember the day, place, situation where you met this person, or where it became apparent that this person was going to be a primary soul in your life. As an example from my own life, which I’ve shared before: I met my current husband in a convergence: I walked literally into his arms at a concert, in the midst of tens of thousands of people at an arena. To create this exact moment, this convergence the Universe had to coordinate everything to the exact millisecond, so that he and I would both be in the same space and time, so that this physical interaction might happen. In this case, the meeting was not just physical: the convergence was so sheerly coincidental, such a strange and unusual synchronicity, that the sense of magic, tingling, destiny, “pay attention,” “be aware,” something is happening” was at the top of both of our minds. As another example, when I first moved to Oregon, I interviewed at several ad agencies in town. I’d only lived in town a few days, when I went to a big outdoor event, held every summer. To my surprise, I almost immediately ran into the owner of the agency I’d just interviewed at. Something about this caused him to “pay attention” and he realized I was right for the job. This began an almost two-decades long work relationship, in which I worked with him in a variety of ways. It was always strange to me how well we worked together; how our need for quiet and organization was the same. Oddly, at one point we discovered our ancestors had come from the same area in the Midwest, and even stranger, we shared a family name. In other words, we were mostly likely related, some generations back. Spotting the convergences in your life When you consider now the people who’ve been most important in your life (excluding those you’re related to by blood) you may be able to recall the convergence: when and where you met, and how you had that kind of heightened or “tingly” experience of the energy of the convergence, the series of events that led to you and this person being in the exact same place and time. Backtrack in your mind now, and see if you can remember. Close your eyes, and consider: how was it that you decided to go to that coffee shop? Why were you at that event? What had to happen in your life for you to be in that place and space? Take a moment, and see what you remember. Now, go deeper, and see if you can understand the significance of this convergence. How did your life change from that moment? How was your destiny altered? How did this meeting or event shift everything? It’s remarkable, when you begin to explore several convergences in a lifetime, and realize how complicated it was to orchestrate a meeting or event… and yet the Universe did it effortlessly, even when you were difficult to move along or resistant to the Flow happening. Co-creating convergences The Universe doesn’t simply arrange these events and meetings without your involvement. Each convergence is a direct result of either a) your heart opening and expanding—or b) your heart needing to be opened. Remember: the Universe does not listen particularly to your thoughts, when you are trying to manifest or create something. Instead, the Universe listens to the more genuine, true longing of your heart. For example, if on paper it looks like Person A is the best for a long term relationship, but in your heart you really love Person B… well, yes you can choose Person A, but the Universe is not going to support that, and may in fact try to dismantle that reality. However, when accept your true feelings about Person B, the Universe will move mountains, sometimes literally, to make sure you and Person B have time together in this lifetime. Thus, this idea that you can co-create convergences with the Universe is true, as long as what you are trying to create is what your true heart really longs for. Thoughts are like chatter, nonsense, contradiction and distraction to the Universe. What the Universe really responds to is your heart. I’ve written extensively on how to manifest, in my course Manifest Miracles, available on my website. However, in simplest terms, when you are manifesting from the heart, you will begin to experience a steady stream of simple synchronicities and etheric messaging, as you move in the energy of Flow. When you sense the Universe is directing you to move in Flow, don’t resist! The fastest way to move toward the next convergence is to be aware, pay attention, and to follow the odd, the unusual, the coincidental, the gut feeling, the knowing. Don’t question, don’t think too much, don’t be rational. Simply follow the energy of Flow as it continues to present itself to you. As you move in Flow, you may trust that you are always being moved toward your Highest Possibility. You may be being moved toward an important experience you need to have, or to a relationship that will teach you, or towards your soul mate/life partner, or towards your life work… the possibilities are all there. If you have been following Flow as a practice, you will find this path pleasant, exciting and an adventure. If you have been stuck for a while, you may find this path somewhat disconcerting, as you shift from one paradigm to the other. You can learn about this and how to navigate it, in my course Moving from Stuck to Flow. Above all, trust that when you experience a convergence, your life is being changed for the better. You are being moved—willingly or unwillingly—toward great expansion, consciousness and soul growth in this lifetime. For more teachings on spiritual intuition, listen to Ask Sara/Sanctuary, access FREE podcasts and subscribe to the blog! Details at www.sarawiseman.com Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.