Sometimes we say we want to manifest "abundance," as if money is a dirty word.
It's true, money and abundance are very different: manifesting money is about having more zeros in the bank. Manifesting abundance is about having more than enough of what you need: a place to live, food to eat, clothing to wear. We think it’s more spiritual to manifest abundance instead of cold, hard cash.... except it's really not. It's all the same idea: a fear of lack, manifest in different forms. Once you get over your fear of lack, money and abundance will come to you easily. For most of us, it takes great deprivation to learn this lesson: growing up poor, living in poverty, losing everything, begin crushed by debt, losing your job..... all of these experiences where we lose “everything” teach us that we don’t really lose what matters. We still have our life force. We still are Soul. When we lose the fear of losing everything, we come to a place of true manifesting: we can create what we need, because we don’t have fear that we can’t. It’s another dimension of thought that creates a different existence. If you’re broke, or fearful about being broke, don’t try to grasp more money, or or try to trick the Universe by using the word "abundance" when you manifest. Just look at your fear. Start there, and shine Light on it. As soon as you lose fear about lack, money and abundance will arrive. Much love, SARA P.S. Get the new Spiritual Psychic podcast free. Click here. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.