A peak experience is a moment in when you become exquisitely attuned to the miracle of Now.
It is common to have a sudden experience of Nowness when you are new settings, doing unfamiliar things: the newness creates a heightened perception of your reality. However, having a peak experience does not require adventure or adrenaline. Rather, peak experiences are often simple and serendipitous, happening when you least expect them. They are experiences of pure presence, and they may be short, such as a few seconds, or long such as many hours or even days. In peak experiences you enter a portal that takes you to the bliss state: one of the most expanded states. And you experience this state fully in the environment: fully embodied, eyes wide open, all senses operating. Some of the names: kundalini opening, bliss, nirvana, and so forth imply that there is something you must do to create this state. But again, a true peak experience happens on its own, without you even trying. It is a matter of moving aside your distractions, and simply being in what is. Thus, there is no place you need to travel to, no drug you need to take, no adventure you need to sign up for, no practice you need to be doing to have a peak experience. You simply need to show up to your real life, right as it is this moment, and be in it fully, with all your perception. • To drink a cup of coffee can be a peak experience. • To walk without knowing where you’re going can be a peak experience. • To get up early with the sun can be a peak experience. • To take a shower can be a peak experience. In this way, you see that peak experiences are ordinary moments, perceived at in an extraordinary way. Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.