A while back I posted Part One of my adventures with spirit animals. Today is Part Two.
On my last bike ride, I was unexpectedly gifted with a sighting of three young raccoons. I was still giddy with the thrill of it, when something else happened. The Universe was not done with surprises for the day. If you are person who lives near Nature, you already know: Nature is very much around us. It is not just that we live in these homes or apartments, and we have these fences or boundaries, and Nature doesn’t come in and interact with us. Nature is here! Animals are everywhere! Animals, insects, flora, trees, the wind and weather! Nature is with us always! Thus, after seeing the three raccoons, I continued on my bike ride. And sure enough, there it was on the next curve: my second sighting of a spirit animal in the course of 10 minutes: a young deer, blocking the path. Deer is my totem animal, so I certainly paid attention! Some of the questions I ask when visited by a totem animal are: • Is it strong or weak? • Young or old? • What other physical conditions? • What is it doing? • What was I thinking about when I saw it? • What question was I working on when I saw it? • What came into my mind when I saw it? I slowed my bike to a standstill and instantly noticed another woman across from me. So there I am, 20 feet from the deer on one side, the woman 20 feet on the other side, and the deer in the middle of the path. And all of us froze. The woman and I both went into some kind of reverie for the deer, because we both know: it was a holy moment, a message from the Universe, a sacred sighting. Normally a deer this close, even a deer familiar with humans, would have turned and leapt away in that flashing, bounding way that deer do. But this deer just watched us watching it, and then it started chewing grass on the side of the path. It was fully conscious of us. It was fully aware of us. And it was not afraid. What a beautiful message to receive, in these woods on this bike path, in witness by another human being! Fully conscious. No fear. And after a very, very long while, the mood shifted. The moment was complete. You can feel this, if you pay attention: the vibration just changes, and there it is. Very slowly, I began towheel my bike past the deer until it slowly, casually turned and began to ramble through the brush. The woman raised her hand as I passed. We had witnessed this moment together. What animals in Nature do you notice? What are they telling you? Go outside today, and see what happens. Much love, SARA P.S Will you be joining me and Dr. Steve for the 2018 Beyond Words Cruise? Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.