If you are person who lives near Nature, you already know: Nature is always around us. It is not as if we live in these homes or apartments, or we have these fences or boundaries, and Nature doesn't come in and interact with us. Nature is here! Animals are everywhere! Animals, insects, flora, trees, the wind and weather! Nature is with us always! Recently while on my bike ride, I came across a young deer, blocking the path. When II see an animal like this—quite possibly a totem animal with spiritual guidance for me—I always try to discern: • Is it strong or weak? • Young or old? • What is it doing? • What was I thinking about when I saw it? • What question was I working on when I saw it? • What came into my mind when I saw it? I slowed my bike to a standstill and there I was, 20 feet from the deer, both of us frozen. It was a holy moment, a message from the Universe, a sacred sighting. Normally, a deer this close, even a deer familiar with humans, would have turned and lept away in that flashing, bounding way that deer do. But, this deer just watched me watching it, It was fully conscious of me. It was fully aware of me. And it was not afraid. What a beautiful message to receive, in these woods on this bike path! Fully conscious. No fear. And, after what seemed like a very long while, the mood shifted. The moment was complete. You can feel this, if you pay attention: the vibration just changes, and there it is. Much love, SARA SUMMER SOLSTICE WORKSHOPJoin me June 21 for GAIA LIGHT: A SUMMER SOLSTICE WORKSHOP! Learn more THE MYSTIC SCHOOLSara's NEW radio show is live on the air Tuesdays at NOON Pacific! Listen!
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.