I am noticing, and noticing again, the amazing shifts that are happening all around us. We’ve talked already about how some of you struggled and wailed through the past... and now you’re moving along like gangbusters, facing your life in a new way.
Others of you are just starting to feel the effects of awakening now, as in right now, this moment. What I am seeing most here is folks who are breaking karma—actually trouncing long established patterns and saying “no more” to these patterns in their lives. If this is you, you may be: • Moving to another location. • Moving to another living situation. • Quitting a job that no longer serves. • Ending a romantic relationship. • Ending a habit or addiction. • Ending a habitual thought pattern. • Breaking off relationships that are toxic and negative. • Breaking away from ways of living that are dull, numbing, boring. • Refusing to accept situations that are low vibration. Turning away from low vibration media. With all this refusal, space is created for a new kind of living. This may include: • Stepping into your own personal spiritual practice. • Finally understanding who you really are. • Accepting the truth of yourself as Divine. • Allowing yourself to live without fear. • Allowing yourself to expand into who you can be. • Loving yourself. • Loving all those around you. • Feeling gratitude for the smallest things. • Being in awe of everything. It feels like, no matter what stage you’re at: the creation or destruction, the Shiva or Kali, the wave building or the wave receding, we are moving in a deeper, more magical, more mystical way—we are moving in our true natures, or toward our true natures. Celebrate this! Rejoice! It’s been a long time coming. Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.