On the one hand, you are eternal soul.
Time is meaningless, when you are infinite. On the other hand, you’re living in a human container. And for your human self, at least during this time on earth, the clock is ticking very quickly. You have seen this happen already; one moment you are young and fresh, the next moment the body has changed. You may pass a mirror, and find yourself staring at a person you do not recognize. How has this happened so quickly? How does the body soften and sag and falter? How has this happened: so many years passed, with so little accomplished? Ttime presses forward, and in doing so, time presses you forward. The clock ticking urges you to use every moment, to hold every moment in your hand like the precious commodity it is. Every moment you waste being numbed out, bored, disengaged, distracted, unhappy, enraged…. you do not get this time back. Time marches forward, to encourage you to march forward also: be in your life! Not by busyness or “to dos.” But by becoming fully engaged, with every moment that arrives. Fully here in this moment. Fully here in the next moment. Your whole life a beautiful string of pearls, an exquisite necklace of being. And it’s all yours for the creating! All you have to do is say yes, and move forward without hesitation. Much love, SARA P.S. Registration is OPEN for Intuition University WINTER 2024!
11/21/2023 10:53:31 am
Saying "yes" is not so simple as you suggest. The egoic mind resists mightily, fighting an existential battle.
Bonnie Loyd
11/21/2023 12:01:04 pm
One of my favorite quotes: "Chance, my master and my friend, will, I feel sure, deign once again to send me the spirit of his unruly kingdom. All my trust is now in him...and in myself. But above all in him, for when I go under he always fishes me out, seizing and shaking me like a life saving dog whose teeth tear my skin a little every time. So now, whenever I despair, I no longer expect my end, but some bit of luck some commonplace little miracle which, like a glittering link, will mend again the necklace of my days." Colette 1873
11/21/2023 12:06:56 pm
Here's to being fished out without tearing too much skin. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.