I sometimes get stuck in the trap of believing what everyone believes, or thinking what everything one thinks, even though in my heart I know it’s wrong.
The other day I needed to drive my son to the airport for his flight, after a long holiday weekend. Everyone knows the traffic is going to be terrible on a Sunday after a holiday, and parking will be difficult, and the airport security lines will be long, right? Except, none of that was true. The weather was perfect, and the traffic was simple; many times I found myself in those pockets of space where even on a crowded freeway like I-5, there wasn’t another car even near us for long stretches. We found a parking space right next to the airport overpass, within seconds. The lines were so minimal at security, we had time to wander around and look at the shops for fun. I have the feeling, that if I had allowed myself to be in the expectation of group thought, my experience would have been very different: stressed, angry, tired. But because we just went with the idea of being; of just showing up to the experience, whatever it was, with a sense of full involvement, it was easy. What everyone else thinks usually leads you astray. What you desire and hope for and want, even if it’s something as simple as an easy trip to the airport, is what almost always happens. Much love, SARA P.S. We're starting soon for Intuition University Spring 2016. Join us! Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.