Sometimes we find ourselves on the brink of facing something we’d really rather not face.
We might have to face a person we have conflict with. We might have to face a situation that brings up old stuff. We might have to go to a place that brings up old wounds. We might have to be in an environment that triggers us. When you find yourself heading toward an experience that is going to be a soul lesson, it is common to feel a lot of negative feelings. You might feel cranky. You might start blaming others. You might get mad. You might panic. You might want to run away. You might shut down. And sometimes, if the situation or experience or person is about to really push our buttons from the past, if it’s about to really make you feel or remember the big wounds we haven’t cleared up yet, we can get very angry, scared and resistant to this situation. In our resistance to looking at our past pain, we may lash out at others. Most of us have done this many times in our lives: it is normal to not want to experience pain! However, whenever you notice yourself being triggered, take a moment and resist the urge to lash out, fight back, run away or shut down. Instead, accept the reality that you have come face to face with at lesson: the Universe is inviting you to clear your fear, release your anger, let go of your panic, stand your ground. You’re being presented with this lesson, because you’re ready to learn it. And… resistance is futile. If you don’t learn it now, no worries. You will be presented with this same lesson, in this lifetime and in all future lifetimes, until finally, you as soul move through it. If you can surrender to your lesson now, wonderful. If you just can’t do it now… there will be time later. We are infinite souls, in infinite state of expansion via the human heart. Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.