There was a time when I worked two or three jobs for years. Back in the day, I had four kids in the house, and my then husband was in law school and couldn’t work much.
We had very little money; it always ran out before the month did. There were groceries and clothes and diapers and daycare. And so I worked: a part time job, and a freelance job, and another freelance job. And we kind of cobbled together survival from these tiny little paychecks. I felt really proud to support my family. But for those many years, I had no free time, no me time, no downtime, because I was always working. I got up early and did my freelance job, I got the kids to school, went to my regular job, picked up the kids, did the activities-dinner-homework-bath thing, and started it all over again the next day. Some mornings when I woke up, I felt like crying, because the day was going to be so darn hard: no break, no chance for a slip up, the endless, grueling scheduling of just keeping it together. I know a lot of you have been through this, or maybe you’re in this now. What I wish I could have understood then, is that I didn’t have to push so hard. I didn’t know how to meditate then, I didn’t know how to have direct connection with the Universe. I didn’t have any kind of spiritual practice. If I had only slowed down, stopped pushing, and let the Universe show me, I know that something different would have opened up. It’s just that back then, I didn’t know how to do this. If you’re in a place where everything feels hopeless, where you wake up and want to cry first thing because it all seems too hard, consider letting go. Stop pushing. Stop being afraid. Stop trying to control it all. Connect in to the Universe, and see what plans are there for you. Chances are good, there is another way to live, that is much more enjoyable than how you are living now. Much love, SARA P.S. Registration is filling fast for Soul Immersion Summer 2016. Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.