When we are in a place where we are struggling with eating junk food or food that isn’t healthy, it’s a great idea to look at why.
Almost always, junk food is tied to sugar, fat, or salt. Almost always, junk food is highly processed and packaged. When you see the nature of junk food as artificial, or with ad- ditives that act on the human body like drugs, it is easier to see why junk food has such power over us. When food contains drugs, or substances that act on the body like drugs, it is very easy to want to self-medicate. It’s very easy to get addicted to the rush or high or numbing that comes when we eat this way. When food is highly packaged, even if the packaging is beautiful and lovely, we are adding a new vibration or projection or trigger beyond just the food. We’re eating the idea of the food; the brand. We’re eating the advertising: the aspirational feeling or long- ing of “I will become this if I eat this.” Sometimes it’s as simple as, we want to have the simpler state of childhood, so we eat foods that are packaged that remind us of our child state. Don’t be hard on yourself if you succumb to junk food. It is the most tantalizing drug out there, and because it is not called “drug” it is even more difficult to recognize. Just notice. What am I eating? How does it make my body feel? How does it make my emotions feel? No shame, no guilt. Just notice. Much love, SARA P.S. Did you know you can get Daily Divine in paperback? Order yours here. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.