Lately when head out, I’ve noticed that people are talking to me.
Not just sometimes. All the time. And it’s not that just they’re talking to me, which is usual when you're out and about. It's that they’re talking to me in a NEW way. And I’m wondering if this is happening for you too? For example: • While walking in the small college town nearby, a woman makes a beeline toward me and starts talking to me like she knows me. She isn't just friendly or chatty. She's talking to me like she KNOWS me—personally, closely. • Getting gas, the attendant starts talking to me like we're family members. • A woman decades younger than me, whom I don’t know, calls me sweetie four times in a conversation. Not in an annoying way. With deep familiarity and affection.. • A woman crosses the street to me and starts asking me how I'm doing and how my day is going—and I’m quite sure I’ve never seen her before. All of these interactions are replete with more connection than I used to experience, even a year ago. This is interesting to me, because I head out in the world in a pretty open state. But this… well, this is MORE. Something has shifted: either I have changed—which I know I have, or they have changed—which I am guessing they have. Or perhaps we have all changed, together. What it feels like to me, is that there is more soul connection in the air. The collective SHADOW being brought to our attention by politics and the media has allowed us to take a long, hard look at who we really are. It’s becoming more clear, to more people—even people who never realized it before—that separation is a myth. Separation is a myth. We’re One soul, in it together. And we are starting to connect. Are you experiencing it too? Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.