The Universe sends us signs all the time.
We just usually miss them. Very early one morning, I drove down our gravel driveway into the woods, in that kind of dreamy, contemplative state that often comes over me while driving. It happens when I turn off the radio. I turn off the “to do” list in my head. And I allow my soul to flow… moving through space, moving through time, allowing myself to expand into everything. I was in exactly this kind of floaty relaxed state, when I saw a flicker to my right. If I’d had the radio on, I would have missed it. But fortunately, I was paying attention. I slowed the car... and then I stopped completely and rolled down the window, and witnessed this pretty plump robin, alight on a stone angel, reminding me that spring is here. A robin! On an angel! Such as simple little sign of hope—that the cold and rain and mud and grey and drear is finally gone for another season—that we will soon have light and breeze and warmth again. Such a simple little sign—the Universe putting a bird on it, so we are reminded once again, of how lovely our earthly paradise, our Gaia, really is. Moving at the speed of guidance—not too fast, not too hurried, in surrender to whatever shows up— is the way to notice these little signs. Slowing down, noticing, being grateful—is the way to keep them coming. Much love, SARA P.S. Will you be joining me on the 2018 Beyond Words Cruise? Comments are closed.
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September 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.