It’s not politically correct in the personal growth world to talk about having enemies.
And yet, most of us do. Maybe they’re not actual enemies, but they fulfill the enemy archetype: the person we most disagree with, have the most conflict with, get along with the least. Your enemy might be a competitor, or a nemesis, or it might even be a family member you have issues with. You’ve heard the saying, “keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.” This is a wise saying, not because we need to be suspicious or untrustworthy of our enemies. It is wise, because our enemies are always, without doubt, our highest teachers. Our enemies show us the sides of ourselves that we don’t like to look at, that we resist most about ourselves that we don’t want to admit. Our enemies show us where we are at war with ourselves. Take a look at your enemy now: is he or she bossy, scattered, inconsistent, rude, undependable, mean, violent? It’s 100% likely, that these same qualities or traits are what you, as a soul, are struggling with in this body/mind/personality that you’ve been given. When you have an encounter with your enemy, look at the trigger. And thank the Universe, for bringing you such a powerful teacher. When you no longer have the trigger, you will no longer have the enemy. Much love, SARA P.S. Did you know you can get Daily Divine in paperback? Click here to order. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.