Some of you read of the sad demise of our little dog Elton last year.
For the past year, we have been searching for that right soul to join our family. It takes time to grieve, and it takes time to be ready to add a new addition. And, it takes time to find the right soul. At first, I just didn't do anything: I wasn't ready. Then, a few months ago, I started getting signs from the Universe that it was time look for a new dog. I am open to signs, synchroniciites and strands, and I try very hard to pay attention, when this information arrives. Thus, I dutifully visited our local animal shelter, weekend after weekend. There were lots of lovely dogs... but not the soul that I was looking for. Finally, after one particularly heartbreaking day last week, in which we'd visited many dogs and found not one that was correct for us.... I gave up. As we drove away from the Humane Society, I said outloud in the car "I give up!" "I've been looking for a dog, as instructed, for months now, Universe!" I continued with my frustrated rant. "I give up, I surrender!" And then finally, with absolute passion and power, out of sheer confusion because I knew I was being directed, but I was unable to find the answer, I said "If you want me to have a dog, you're going to have to find it and deliver it to me. I am not going to lift another finger. And if you don't want me to have a dog, I surrender to that, too." Not out of lack of willingness to serve, mind you! But sheerly out of frustration. when we receive clear guidance to do something, such as look for a dog, and then we do look for a dog, and nothing happens... it can get very confusing. I'm sure you've been there too. We follow guidance, and yet we are confused: what we seek doesn't happen, or materialize, or we go on many dead ends. When this happens, it is time to let go, and completely surredner to the Universe. To let go of all attempts to control, or force, or make happen. To stop pursuing, and stop pushing. To let go of all attachment—even to the understanding that we are being guided. And... the result? Two days later, a woman from my husband's wellness center said she knew of a friend's friend who was trying to rehome her Lhasa Apso. You know, the little sturdy Tibetan dogs that once were the companion animals to Buddhist monks? You know, the Buddist monestaries that I continue to see in my dreams and visions, as a place I knew well, as a place I once lived in past lives or ancestral lives long ago? So... that dog... Abby Das, arrived to our home yesterday. She was delivered to the door. I did nothing. No thing. I just surrendered, and trusted, and the Universe took care of everything. When you're working to manifest, and it's not working... step back. Let go. The Universe has everything well in hand. Even when you're frustrated, or confused, or simply can't understand where you're being led... just relax, trust, stop pushing, and all things will happen as they are destined for your Highest Possibility. Much love, SARA P.S. Learn the 8 MOST IMPORTANT questions to ask your Guides & Angels! New DailyOM course. Comments are closed.
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September 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.