In old episodes of Star Trek, there was a character called the Empath, whose job on board the ship was to feel and sense and see everything about a given situation.
On the show, the Empath had to go into deep concentration, and put her hands to her temples and say things like “I’m getting something" or "I sense something." Oh, if it were only so easy! For most of us, being an empath isn’t something we can switch on, or off. It’s an openness in our being that allows us to take in the feelings and emotions of others. And by others, that doesn’t mean just human others; it means animals, plants, building, places, even time spans. When you are an empath, you feel everything, and there aren’t too many ways to shut this constant stream of feeling information off. Thus, if someone lies to you, but you feel the truth, you are left in confusion about what is real. If someone tells you shopping is “fun” but when you go shopping you feel every little thing: all the feelings of the people in the crowds, all the contained feeling of all the merchandise, who made it and where it came from....it can feel overwhelming. And so when you come home miserable and exhausted, you might think something is wrong with you. But there’s nothing wrong with you. You just haven’t been given the vocabulary, the identity, that helps you understand what you experience. There are lots of empaths in this world. We're all feeling it all, all the time. Much love, SARA P.S. You'll find lots of support for psychic gifts in our premium online courses. Comments are closed.
Divine inspiration for soul travelers!Sara's teachings provide inspiration to support you on your path.
February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.