Years ago, when I was newly out of the gates as an author, I had the Misbelief that I had to do it a particular way.
I had a very strong case of the “shoulds.” An author travels all over, right? So that’s what I “should do”. An author does expos and conferences, right? So that’s what I “should” do. An author sticks to one subject and doesn’t stray from it, right? So that’s what I “should” do. Um…. yeah.... well.... as you know, that didn’t work out. I am miserable in planes, trains and automobiles. I find the energy of expos overwhelming. And everybody knows I can’t stick to one subject... I'm interested in lots of ideas! With my terrible case of the “shoulds," I spent almost a decade trying to fit my very square peg into the very round hole we often think of as “author”, and of course none of it worked. We can only be who we are, because that’s the reason we’re here. We are not here to be someone we're not. We’re here to inhabit and embrace and own our beautiful uniqueness. We're here to be our selves. When I finally gave up all of those “shoulds” a few years back, my work immediately deepened and my understanding of why I am here grew exponentially. I can’t recommend this enough: letting go of all the rules of how how society says you “should” be. And just be who you really are. After all, that’s your purpose on this planet. In 2017, it would be amazing if we all let go of our “shoulds”, and just were who we really are? Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
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February 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.