Divinestrology September 2021
You are Ready What is showing up now is what you are ready to master. Whatever you have been experiencing—the biggest problem, the overwhelming trauma, the shocking betrayal, the greatest grief or pain, this contains the seed of your soul lesson. There is no punishment—pain is part of the human experience, but suffering does not belong to the soul. What you are facing is here, because you are ready. Know that this is your chance to break through, and you have everything you need to do this. So what is your soul lesson? If you have been experiencing isolation, your soul lesson is to connect. If you have been experiencing grief, your soul lesson is to find joy. If you have been experiencing rage, your soul lesson is to deepen your compassion. And so on. The antidote is always Light, which is Love, which is unchanging Oneness. So this problem showing up over and over, right there in front of you, this insurmountable challenge or thought or mood, the pain that will not leave you, the sadness or the anger—this is what calls for resolution and release. To be human is not simple. Even for those of you who are on the path—who willingly commit to the path and choose to stay on the soul path as the journey of this lifetime—even for you, this is not easy. It is no small thing to come face to face with your biggest soul lesson in this lifetime, and to discover it as a day-to-day reality that blocks your path. So how can you be free? You could avoid the soul lesson, or sneak around it, or close your eyes and pretend it’s not there or pay someone to move it for you or blame it on someone else. These are all choices. You’ve used them in other lifetimes. Yet here you are now, and this soul lesson—your particular and unique soul lesson—faces you. What you are here to learn is in right front of you. You already know what it is—your soul lesson is disguised within your biggest problem. To master it, you must concentrate on three aspects of understanding: to allow yourself to discern the soul lesson, to understand that it is your soul lesson, and to allow yourself to release it through expansion. Discerning. Owning. Expanding. It takes clarity to discern. It takes responsibility to claim. It takes humility to allow yourself release. It is all your choice. You can remain blocked, distracted, numb, and continue to have this soul lesson in front of you for a while longer. Or you can head into the fray, open your arms to the shadow, hurl yourself into the center of what holds you back, and feel yourself expand. You cannot skip a soul lesson. Eventually, in this lifetime or the next lifetime, the lesson you are here to learn will show up. Recall again: when a lesson arrives, you are ready to face it. Recall also that becoming awakened is both passive and active: the first opening happens without consciousness— you experience an instantaneous up leveling of understanding. And yet continued awakening is also an active journey—you must commit to it, turning toward the Light even when this is not easy. There is no battle between dark and Light, as some of you have heard. This is old superstition. Old fear. What is really happening is that dark and Light exist in a continual dance of illusion and illumination, until as consciousness emerges, you learn how to hold yourself in the Light. Light is infinite and eternal. You can live there. Don’t give up, especially not now when you have already come so far. You are through the worst, personally and collectively. The soul lesson you face is one you’ve been working on a long time—for most of you, this is the lesson of your lifetime, what you’ve come here to learn. If you’re not sure what soul lesson you are here to master, ask the Universe, and pay attention to the guidance that arrives—the Divine “aha”, the sign, the synchronicity, the remarkable, the odd, the unexpected. Coincidence is an old word for the Universe talking directly to you. Finally, if you don’t like the soul lesson you’ve been given, give up your ego and remember your infinite self. This is you in this lifetime, this is the lesson you came here for, and you are ready. Recall that there is only going through. Claim what is yours, expand into a bigger version of your self and follow guidance as it comes. The more you relax and let go, the faster the shadows leave. Much love, SARA P.S. Join us for GATHERING LIGHT: AN AUTUMN RETREAT, our September course! Just $15! Comments are closed.
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.