DIvinestrology: Annual Forecast 2022
A Year of Collective Reckoning 2022 is a year of reckoning, of settling what has come due. Just like a bill that requires payment, in 2022 we come to terms with the debts we have accrued. These are karmic debts relating to money, power, and resources, and they are centuries in the making. This year, we begin the process of paying back and setting to rights. In terms of our collective evolution, 2022 is a landmark year where take responsibility and own up. As we begin the Aquarian Age, we are finally beginning to evolve as humans. A “six” year In numerology, 2022 is a “six” year. A “six” year relates to home, haven, domesticity. Home also relates to family—the deep threads of ancestry and karma. Home also relates to staying home—working from home, staying close to home. Yes, there’s more of that. However, the bigger focus is on our collective home—Gaia. In 2022, the question is: how do we care for the earth, our collective home? Pluto returns Pluto returns in the US chart. Pluto is a slow moving planet that cycles about every 248 years. The last time Pluto was in the US chart, it was in 1776—the birth of the nation. It was also the beginning of the Industrial Revolution—which brought massive change in manufacturing and labor and the Age of Enlightenment, a European system of belief that centered around rational thinking as the primary source of authority, and advocated ideals such as liberty, constitutional government, and the separation of church and state. When Pluto returns to the US chart, we revisit these ideas. This means: the US government will reform—just as in 1776. Do we separate into region nations, or shift to a new style of government, or have another attempted coup, or something else? This also means: the US will have another economic revolution—new ways of manufacturing and distribution. Do we follow Amazon’s lead, or do we go local and green, or do supply chains break down, or something else? How do we possibly deal with wage inequality and the labor shortage, and what change is that actually leading us to? This means: the US refreshes old ideas about authority, fraternity, government, church. Do we move away from patriarchy, the haves-and-haves-nots, separation vs. inclusion, rationality vs. intuition and move toward a new way of living that is spiritual, inclusive, collaborative and cooperative? We would certainly hope so. Eco reckoning Our “six” year is a collective reckoning about our home, Gaia. Nature has warned us, and we finally begin to take the warnings seriously. We are very late to the party, aren’t we? Yet late or not, eco consciousness a the new political and corporate trend. It’s not just for branding, it is finally making sense financially for government and business. We roll up our sleeves and begin the cleanup of our collective home, Gaia. This is not about recycling or reusing, although these help. This is about big legislation, law, international agreements. We come to collective reckoning, we see the bill that must be paid, and we take steps to correct and settle our centuries of misuse and abuse of the planet. Leadership changes Global leadership shifts are rapid and happen early in 2022. Key world leaders leave the planet—from accidents, illness, age. This impacts our sense of who is in charge. The Queen retires her crown and subsequent UK leadership cycles several times. US leadership also cycles. There is no return to previous players from the old patriarchal systems—they have become irrelevant. Instead, younger people show up to fill big roles. In other parts of the world, even as authoritarian regimes cling to power, they also lose relevance. Archaic political systems are no match for the Internet. When people see freedom is possible, they pull down the walls of oppression. Our maps, borders, dividing lines, even our languages—how many centuries ago were these created? Our laws, our legislation, our banking, our taxation—what is viable now? Existing power structures no longer make sense to late Boomers, Millienials, Gen Z, Gen X—the people who actually hold power now. If no one participates in an old system, how does that system survive? It does not. It gives way to change, our unchanging companion. Across the globe, we see the early sparks of new, collaborative, coalition-style government—multiple diverse voices leading in cooperative alliances. Many hate this. Many love this. The resulting chaos ensues. Covid continues Covid is a part of our lives for several more years. Hint: we never return to normal. It no longer exists. This is something to grieve and also to accept: we now live differently, and we have changed from our experience. Masks, mutations and vax wars continue. Covid is the WWIII of our time—several years of sacrifice, suffering and sorrow. We are not the same people that we were in 2020. This experience has helped us deepen and grow. Supply disruptions Remember when you could get anything on Amazon delivered to your door? Remember when Costco had everything? Those days are leaving. In 2022, supply chains are disrupted, and this is not a bad thing. We do not need every little thing available at every moment. Hoarding, shopping addiction, over consumerism and waste are out—we are forced to reckon with our materialism and the pain it causes. Food inequality There will be food shortages and famine in 2022. Parts of the world will be obese while other parts will be starving. How do we address this as One soul? Many souls will leave and reincarnate due to food inequality. This is a reckoning we need to settle. Dietary change Processed foods are out. Meat. animal products and dairy are out. Alcohol is out. We come to understand sugar as a drug. What happens when there is no more “got milk,” only “got alt milk?” What happens when there’s no more “where’s the beef,” only “where’s the quinoa?” When you have significant populations (late Boomer, Gen X, Gen Z) rejecting the old ways of eating, this affects food production, manufacturing, distribution, marketing. Plant based, meat free, alcohol alternatives, organic, grow your own, container gardens, food coops, community boxes, indoor food gardens, you name it—this is the new food. Fading religion People continue to stream away from the religions they were raised in, seeking a personal spiritual practice of their own. Organized religion gives way to a new kind of global animism—a way of thinking about the world where everything has a soul and everything is part of collective consciousness. In just a few generations, this new personal spirituality will become predominant. It is all about learning to create direct connection with the Universe, in all the ways this is possible. Faux spirituality True spiritual connection requires no props, apps or structures. As spirituality sparks, it takes a while for people to understand what is real and what is marketing. In 2022, we are bombarded with faux spirituality—no different than all the other things we have been sold. This is a cautionary tale. Attend to your own direct connection. Healing plants This many not arrive in 2022, but in the many meditations my students and I have received for future lives, we see plants revered, protected and cared for as the gems of the earth. They are used for as medicine and nutrition. The healing we have been waiting for already exists. We must protect it. Climate chaos Sadly, 2022 is about the climate debts we have not yet paid. Oceans rise and land is displaced. We move away from the coast because we have to. Water rights are a moral issue. Fires burn without control, until they burn themselves out. Earthquakes, eruptions and storms continue to disrupt us. The planet reflects our consciousness because all consciousness is One. Spiritual self-care Everybody’s in therapy, recovery, self-care. Trauma is understood, and we learn tools for addiction, abuse, and PTSD. Micro dosing, plant medicine, forest bathing, nature immersion, music as sound therapy, meditation, relaxation, healing touch, dreaming, sleep, ecstatic states and peak experiences all find their way into our tool kit for emotional wellness. We understand that every psychological condition has a spiritual root. We heal through inclusion acceptance, compassion and kindness. Gender fluidity Remember when we thought the earth was flat? Starting in 2022, non binary becomes a non issue. The last bastion of the old structures—including fixed gender roles—have had their day. We are at the start of the Aquarian Age, and old rules and roles are no longer needed. Ethnic integration World demographics are shifting fast. Borders—open or closed—and climate shift where people migrate Birth rates—declining in some areas, stable in others—shift the global demographic. The reign of the white European world is waning. Ethnic integration continues—we come to a reckoning on racism, several centuries late. Is ancestral culture to be celebrated or denounced? So what does the new world look like? Remember: there is only one human race. Like it or not, we are One tribe. Medical breakthroughs In 2022, there are remarkable breakthroughs. The push for Covid vaccines sped up the industry—and the acceleration continues. Watch for new drugs and even cures for HIV, immune diseases, cancer, diabetes and weight loss. Transportation breakthroughs Electric and/or solar cars and bikes are here to stay. Not yet in 2022, but a few years out and we will have flight orbs. Gas is on the way out. What happens when we no longer rely on gas? The world political structure shifts. Energy sources Solar, hydro, wind, yes. Money is finally put into developing these new, non-polluting energy sources. In a few years the question will be : what on earth were we waiting for? Crystal will be harnessed as a power source—this is not new age superstition, but a possibility we will learn to use. Just as when the car and the airplane were invented, there will be several false starts, so wait for it. An electronica revolution Electronica, with all its devices, apps and crypto currency are as changeable as fashion—new trends every season, and nothing lasts for long. In 2022, nothing we know of now is popular for long. We are seeking real answers, not distracting entertainment. When holograms/particulate imaging/beamed reality arrives, this changes everything. It won’t be here yet in 2022, but it’s coming soon. Remember when smart phones were introduced and in 10 years the whole world changed? With the new electronica, we begin to evolve at light speed. Much love, SARA P.S. 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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.