DIVINESTROLOGY JULY 2022 The Magic is Here Raising consciousness is the only way to end suffering. Even if you give people food, water, work, enjoyment, if the karmic strands have not been released, there will still be suffering. We are here to show how to lift suffering. This is not a job for one of you. It is the job for all of you. It is your soul task, in this lifetime and in the lifetimes that will define your era and age. When humans or any beings reach a certain point of awareness, they are able to have understandings that they couldn’t have before. This is where you are now. You have arrived here through a very difficult and chaotic path, a path littered with violence and greed, and yet something in you has shifted. You can feel this. You feel the despair that you have held so long, the determination to blot out or distract from your suffering that you held so long, you feel all this relaxing. There is another way! You can feel this, you can see it as a small light ahead. Keep walking toward that light. It is your destiny, your true destiny for this lifetime and the lifetimes to come in the next era. These teachings are to help you understanding what to do with your new awareness, and how to work with it. You cannot use the old ways in the new world. Even if you would like to use them, because they are comforting or because you are used to them, or even becomes some of them are quire lovely, you cannot use them any more, because they do not work. Pull this into your awareness. You are going to have to use new tools in this new world. Some of them are known to you. Some of them are new. Many of them, it is simply a matter of remembering. This is not about magic, because you soon find that magic is the way. Magic is not magic, as in not silly, childish, fantasy. Magic is one word for how things work. It is a word you have now that you understand, that explains how the unbelievable can happen instantaneously without effort. You do all things with magic, which is the power of nay souls and of the collective souls. The collective soul is here to do deep magic, and this is what is happening now. The magic, the light, the energy has returned. Some because it is known. Some because it is new. Some because it is remembered. We say: magic is not about candles and spells. That is not enough for you now. Magic is the deep energy, the deep flow of the collective soul shifting up, lifting up, lifting up in consciousness. Consciousness rises, all things become imbued with magic, all things can be worked with magic. With consciousness. Recalling: collective soul is you, and it is also the Universe. It is all human form, all other form, all plant and animal and yes, non-life beings. Life is not consciousness. Life is biology. They are different. Consciousness does not need to breathe, it is beyond life form. In this new world, this magical world, one of the things you have noticed is this: collective consciousness is expanding. This means: more of you are awake. Before, most of you were asleep. Now, more of you are awake. The part of collective soul that is awakened is greater. This allows many possibilities. Some of you have been awake a long time. You might feel you need a nap! You have been awake, aware of your own awakened state, and it has been hard to wander the planet waiting for the rest of the world to wake up. So, now it is happening. And there is a feeling of hesitation, as if you can’t quite believe it. Soon you will not be the only one. The old soul will watch the new soul, or in some cases the new soul will watch the old soul, in this process of soul awakening. There is some turmoil in this state. Relax. You can trust that this is for good, that this brings more magic. It was never intended that you would be the only one, or that you would be one of a few. The goal, the plan, the destiny, the way that soul evolution works, is that some of you lead the way, others catch up and the collective rises. Then, this repeats again: a few of you lead, others catch up and the collective rises. Step by step, up the levels of awareness. You are still needed, you are still a way shower, and you will find that as those of you have been leading wake up, you are in turn being woken up by forces much bigger than yourself. It is not just you, sitting in your room, staying the same in your understanding. As those around you wake up, you may feel a little confusion. You may find your own practices don’t work, or you need a new environment, or you need to find new people to work with or you need to have different experiences. This is normal. You are waking up too. So that you are waking up to your next level, and the person beside you is waking up to their next level, and this is all for good. This is light coming in, souls becoming more awakened, each soul being met with light for the next part of the journey. Yet not all of you are in the same place or have the same understanding, and this also is fine. There is no race. It is not better to be ahead or behind. The collective soul is surging forward, the awakening is here, and wherever you are is where you are supposed to be. Don’t compare. What ever you need for your own awareness is being brought to you now. This is what you can trust. It will save you some time, to understand this now. Life’s activities get confusing and chaotic, and with so many waking up, there is the clamor of many voices roused. We say: everything is getting easier, more delightful, more charming, more magical, less dense. The density of pain is dissipating. This is what is happening, as consciousness rises. Much love, SARA SUMMER COURSES 2022!Check our our course catalog for Summer 2022! Learn more
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.