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Subscribe here Learning to unlearn Distraction is everything that clouds you from living as soul. Most of the world is distraction. Most of our mind/ego/personality is distraction. So, we have to learn how to see clearly. There is the idea of going beyond the veil, into the other realms. But there is also the idea of going beyond the walls of illusion, that are built so strongly into this life. Learning to discern what matters can take some practice. The very process of spiritual awakening requires us to strip away most of what we’ve spent our life learning. We have to unlearn everything. And this changes us forever. For many of us, the process is: We awaken. Boom! Everything becomes real, all at once. Everything slides into focus, in an instant. I was blind, but now I see. So that happens. And then what? Then comes the hard part. Learning to live from soul. We have to adjust to a new way of being. And this means letting go of most of the old ways. Remember: almost everything we were taught is wrong. History, culture, religion, politics, society. Most of it based on fear and power. Most of it based on the illusion of separation. Most of it built to keep power structures in power. So we have to unlearn. And then we have to relearn. And often, we have to walk a lot of this path alone. Society doesn’t condone those who seek Oneness. The minute we start rejecting separation, all hell breaks loose. Who will be in power, if we are equal? Who will be in charge, if we are the same? The old structures tumble. We learn to live from soul. It is a learning curve, and we are at different places on this curve. Sometimes, there is this sense of being betrayed, tricked or fooled. Why were we taught this? How did we believe this? How did the world conspire against us? Remember: before we were awake, we were asleep. We were dreaming a different dream. Waking up to this reality, our awareness is new. The old reality doesn’t exist. We aren’t there any more. We are here in Now, moving forward. Much love, SARA P.S. I'm teaching spiritual intuition weekly on Youtube! Subscribe! P.P.S. Study with Sara as a student of INTUITION UNIVERSITY SUMMER 2023! |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.