DIVINESTROLOGY MARCH 2022 Everything Happens At Once You have entered an energy cycle where everything happens at once—everything you have been waiting for, longing for, dreading, completing—all of it happens all at once, in the blink of an eye. Be brave. Have faith. Failure is growing. Be brave. Have faith. Love is everywhere. When we say failure, do you immediately jump to thoughts of doom and gloom? We ask? Why is this so. Failure is actually just the normalized completion of plans that you have been holding on for a very long time, that are not going to manifest. This is a very good thing. What you created years or even months ago from the self you were then—locked in trauma and fear and resentment—is not what you are heading for now. The picture is much bigger and brighter. Your self, and by this we mean your soul self, has expanded exponentially and beyond during this period of retreat and isolation. You have learned how to tend to yourself, and you have learned who you are and what you really want. The old rules don’t apply. Neither do the old goals. So, if you see everything crashing down—and you see that everything you thought would happen does not happen, and in fact the opposite happens or something entirely unexpected happens—go with this. This is not failure. It is realignment. What you are creating must be in alignment with who you are, and you have changed dramatically and for the better, through this long dark season. By you we mean you, and we also mean all of You, all of humanity and all of Collective Soul. Remember: Collective Soul is more than human. It is all the animals, all the plants, all the weather, all the earth. All the consciousnesses have changed. Everything is waking up all at once and knowing its interconnection. So, everything is waking up and you are waking up and all this waking up all at once together is causing quite a stir, quite an uproar, quite a clashing of old energy manifesting from old consciousness, and new energy pushing that old energy aside and creating what it is really time to manifest. What is manifesting now is not just about you, but is about You: for the benefit of all Collective Soul, all together. Oneness is now in charge. So the small self, the “me”, the “mine”, the profit or power for one person or one group over others; this fails. You have heard so many times: in the Aquarian Age, old structures fall. This is happening right now, structures falling to their knees, never to be resurrected because the new consciousness does not have room for those antiquated, authoritative systems any more. The vestiges of capitalism, commercialism, consumerism, pharma, medicine, insurance, real estate, banking, politics—all of this is shaking up and resettling. If you are participating in these structures, know that they cannot hold. They are tumbling even now. So, what happens when the old tumbles away, and the new is manifesting at an accelerated rate? Your day to day life, depending on how it is aligned, may be deeply affected or not at all. It depends where you are now. If you are not too involved in the old structures, it will be an easy passage: you will find yourself breathing easier and relaxing more; joy will come. If you are heavily invested in the old structure, there will be many bumps on your ride. If you had a lot of hopes and dreams for “when this is all over”, relax your need for things to turn out as you thought. Watch and notice what is actually happening. Who is actually contacting you? What are you actually involved in? What plans spring out of nowhere, what happens instantly, what is taking shape without you even trying The river is flowing mightily, and you can be in this Flow. This is a month that moves so quickly, with so much change, you and the world are not the same at the end of it. Let this happen. Remember to breathe and trust. Sudden growth spurts can be uncomfortable and confusing and they happen very fast. Let this growth happen. Everything is changing all at once, and you can trust this is taking you further—toward freedom from suffering, and toward greater connection for Collective Soul. Much love, SARA P..S. LAST CALL to signup for INTUITION UNIVERSITY SPRING 2022! |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.