DIVINESTROLOGY OCTOBER 2022 Pain May be Released So many of you were raised up on pain. You were handed the pain at birth—the pain of the family, the ancestry, the situation, the problem. You were handed the pain, and expected to carry it your whole life. We say: this is optional. You are not required to carry the pain of others. Each soul has tasks in this lifetime, and one of the tasks, which goes hand in hand with the acceptance of your calling and the completion of your destiny, is the task of learning how to transmute suffering. What is your pain? What pain is handed to you? Whose pain are you carrying? What is yours to carry? It is the task of some souls to take on the pain of others and to transmute this pain by justice, resolution, change. And yet, this is not the task of all souls. Others of you are here to do other things. So, when you are given this big bag of pain at birth, when you are asked to transfer this pain from others into yourself—from past lives, from karmic wounds, from past ancestry, from past pain—you have the option to say no. Many of you did not come here to hold the pain of others. Many of you came here with other, much more important callings and much more profound destiny, and holding the pain of others is not what you are here for. You notice, we do not confusing holding pain with compassion. All of you are here for compassion. But there is a difference, between slogging in the mud with another, carrying another’s pain for them—whether person or group or history—and having compassion for the soul carrying pain, learning to release it. The pain of the past life is not meant to be carried now. The pain of the past karma is not meant to be carried now. The pain of ancestry is not meant to be carried now. The pain of your own past is not meant to be carried now. If someone is suffering, you do not suffer with them. You hold compassion. You love them. You understand that they must climb out of the pain themselves. This is one of the tasks of each soul. And, no soul can take on this task for another. So, when you are handed that bag of pain, yet again? You can refuse it. You can reject it. You can gracefully, with compassion and love, say that is not mine. What happens to all the bags of pain that have been handed down from generation to generation? If they are not taken up and carried, they dissipate, they dissolve, they no longer exist. It is not to say the wound, the transgression, the violence, the abuse, the addiction—whatever karmic shadow occurred—did not exist. But it is not for every soul in the ancestry to carry, pass on, carry. At some point, the karma must be dealt with by the souls who were involved. Not the souls on the sidelines. Let go of all pain that is not yours. Release that energy, and understand it is not your responsibility. You are not here to solve the karma of the world. You are here to work your own karma. Carry your own pain, until you learn to release it. Release all pain that is not yours. Every soul must walk their own path. It is a requirement of soul growth. Much love, SARA FALL COURSES 2022Check out our COURSE CATALOG for FALL 2022! Learn more
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.