Divinestrology: February 2022
The cycle begins anew. Dark to light, light to dark, dark to light. The waves of change continue, endlessly in the cycle of birth, death, rebirth. This endless cycle of change, this endless reality of the Universe. This is what is happening in nature, on Gaia. And this is also what is happening for you, for all of you. There is a reason that so many societies in your world gather in celebration at this time. For many months, you have been hurtling toward the dark. Now, that cycle is complete. It is the beginning of the return to light. A cycle is completed. A cycle is begun. How does this feel to you, in your body, mind, soul? What are the ways that you may contemplate and celebrate this? First, we ask that you consider what has been hidden in your life, during this cycle, and what is now revealed? What secrets have been revealed, what has been brought into the light? You may look at this in your relationship to society, in your relationship to others, and in your relationship to your own swirling thoughts and emotions. The secrets that have been in hiding before— these have been uncovered, brought to light. It can be difficult to have a secret revealed, and yet there is the great relief when there is no secret. The light reveals all, and this is joyous! The cycle of dark to light, is change and brings change. What darkness has been revealed in your society, for you? What darkness has been revealed in your relationships, for you? What darkness has been revealed in your own mind, for you? For some of you, societal changes are the most important. For others of you, relationship changes are the most dominant. For others of you, the changes in your own mind are what affect you the most. We say: all of you are releasing the same vibration, the gritty lower energies of contraction, which are hatred, anger and fear. The light has come, and it is impossible for light not to shine forth! We ask that you consider what you have learned about hatred, anger and fear recently: In your society. In your relationships. In your own mind. Many of you have come face to face with your own relationship to hatred, which is the antithesis of connection. Hatred is separation, and it is misbelief. Many of you have come face to face with your own relationship to anger, which is the desire for control, which is impossible in a Universe that is always changing, and this is also misbelief. Many of you have come face to face with your own relationship to fear, which is about trust in a Universe that always works to advance the soul collective to light, and fear is also a misbelief. Consider: does a tree hate the storm that is approaching? No, a tree knows that all are affected by the storm, which is a part of the greater cycle of all interconnection. The tree knows it is one with the storm, that they are not separated. Does a tree rage at the storm that is approaching? No, the tree knows it has no authority over the storm, it cannot control its chaos. The tree knows is part of the storm, and this allows it to relax. Does a tree fear the storm? No, the tree knows everything changes, everything is interconnected, everything is One, all things are affected by other things. The tree surrenders to what is. Letting go of fault or blame, letting go of worry and anxiety. Surrendering to what is. Change is how things are. Birth, death and rebirth are the continual cycle and this is endless across all lifetimes for all humans and all other beings. As a human in this lifetime, it is impossible for you to understand all the karmic influences you have experienced over thousands of lifetimes. Everything is written as change in a Universe that always flows; your free will allows you to determine your reaction and your action. We suggest: consider yourself as one of One, and this will allow you to relax when change arrives, as it always does. When change arrives, and it is what we perceive as negative change, we tend to panic, blame, and want to control. But when we remember that what we are experiencing has been experienced over many lifetimes, we can also remember that we cannot and do not need to control. Change happens, because this is the way of everything: birth to death to rebirth. Light to dark to light again. When we know this, we know we can relax in the middle of change, even change that seems unbearable or unimaginable. Change is here, again, and your Oneness means you experience everything together. As humans, you will want to blame and control, you will want to seek a better outcome for yourself and for those you are in relationship with. Yet again: look from point of Oneness, you see again: When one suffers, all suffer. When one knows love, all feel love. There is no escaping this. Oneness means more than just being interconnected. It means you are the same, One consciousness, collective soul. This understanding will help you during this time of accelerated awakening. The suffering, the chaos, the disruption, the way that things are different now and will never be the same—all of this is helping you to create change. Many things have not worked for many of you for a long time. So you are seeing this now: darkness is coming to light. Light is here, so you can see what needs to change and you can relax into what is changing. Remember: thoughts are telepathy. Whatever you think, whatever thoughts and feelings are in your mind, arrive from the collective soul, which is created by all of you; not just humans, but also all beings on Gaia and in all of the Universe. All beings, all in telepathic and energetic connection So, out of this darkness, what is being reborn? What is being reborn in you as soul? And what is being reborn in you as part of collective soul, as One? The light is here! The rebirth is here! Lift your eyes up from hatred, fear and anger, and see what is real, what is actually in front of you. The new awareness has arrived. It is not just for you, and you, who have been aware already for some time. It is all of you, holding that spark of light. Much love, SARA P.S. Signups are OPEN for INTUITION UNIVERSITY SPRING 2022! |
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.