Seek the Truth
We are aware of your obsession with the news cycle, the political sphere, in the constant chatter of those who are in power, who have influence, the celebrity world. Remember: humanity is only part of the equation. Your news feed is just the tiniest part of what is really going on! The smallest stream in the interconnected and infinite communication of everything! On Gaia, there is a whole Universe of beings that are not human, which includes all of the animal and natural world, all of the non-living world, everything that exists on Gaia that you know, and all that exists beyond Gaia that you do not yet know. All of this is included in the grand expression of connection and cooperation, and all of it matters. Do you think that something in a news cycle is more important than what happens in a forest? Do you think that something in the political sphere is more important than what happens in a weather system? Do you think that humans are in charge? All of Gaia is in connection with all of Gaia, and all of the Universe is in connection with all of the Universe, and the human aspect is the tiniest, most humble contribution. We are here to help you put things in perspective. We are here to help you get over yourselves. We are here to help you realize that you are part of, not in charge of. When you are awake, your understanding is expanded. By this we mean that you are no longer concerned with the small ideas, with the Misbeliefs, with the false news, with the chaos of the world. You are not swayed by those in power. You do not hear the call of influencers. You watch from a different place. You watch, and you notice, but you are not swayed. You understand what is illusion—the small and contracted games of ego playing over and over on the world stage. And you know what is truth—your own place of belonging in the Universe. From this understanding you step forward to contribute and support others, knowing that every action matters, every thought counts. What affects one affects One. You help those who are in front of you. You lend a hand to those who are behind you. You stand up for those who need support. You proclaim the equality of all beings. You contribute, you share, and with compassion, you assist in the awakening of all souls. Know What is Real Don’t believe the pundits and prophets, no matter how much you would like to. The truth cannot be swayed, it is as real as rain falling from the sky. Stabilize yourself with what is real, which you will find with animals, with nature, with the weather. Whenever you are confused by the manipulation of reality, connect with Gaia and know what is real again. This discernment will help you to see that Gaia moves along with her own expansion and her own grace, and this is a much of a reality as all that you see on screens. Stop following the false news feed and let yourself be fed by what is real. The world will not stop if you break this connection! In fact, you will remember again how to truly connect and in this way your own awakening will be accelerated. The deeper truth of Oneness cannot be swayed, distorted or taken away from you, just as the deeper truth of the Universe cannot be removed. Oneness is what you are. This vast, unlimited expanded Universe is what you are. When you are confused or dismayed or angered by the human refrain, return to this. It is not possible for you to be separated, even if you think you are “right”. Lay down the banner. Connect to what is real. Know with certainty that you are one soul, equal to all souls, eternally part of Collective Soul, which is Universe/God/One/All. Your awareness of this lifts the entire world. Much love, SARA P.S. Join me for Entering Stillness: A Winter's Retreat, just $15! |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.