There's No Going Back
When you begin a journey, sometimes you know where you’re going and other times you don’t. Sometimes your destination is not clear to you. Yet even as you travel along your path, you are aware that you are moving through time and space and experiences and emotions. At a certain point in your journey, you realized you’ve passed the halfway mark. Even if you aren’t sure where you’re going, you can tell you’re more than halfway there. This is where you are now. You are through the worst and the most of it. The rest of the journey still is before you, but you are through the worst and the most. The darkest hours are behind you, and we of course mean You as the collective. What you have done is exactly right. You have established collective soul, which is God/One/All, as your Divine point of reference. By this we mean you have awakened as a soul, you have experienced your membership in the community of collective soul, and now you are leading yourself and Yourself out of the dark. We have spoken of old structures tumbling before. Know clearly: we do not mean buildings or institutions or political parties, although of course these are also falling. By structures what we also mean is the way you think about yourself and Yourself. This is what has changed. The old structure—the group thought—of seeing yourself as a separate human has shifted into a deep recognition of yourself as part of collective soul. One day you felt separate, angry and anxious. The next, you realized you were part of. This was astonishing truth—you could not turn away from this deep resonance. Now, you are beginning to live from this radical truth that is Oneness. With this realization of Oneness, all false prophets and profits ceased to exist for you. They no longer hold meaning. When you understand yourself as collective soul, you do not need others to lead you. You, and by this we mean both you as a soul, and the collective soul that is all soul, are now leading Yourself. At this moment, Oneness is in charge. This is the shift that has been building at the most recent marker since 2012, and for decades and centuries before. It has been building in humanity since you became active on earth. It has been a long time coming. The shift of people to recognizing themselves as collective soul, and to lead themselves from this place—from the higher consciousness that is God/One/All—is a grand marker in your evolution. You may look back at this time as the moment when understanding changed. In every passage of history, evolutionary steps have been made. In this century, in this decade, in this year, this change of separation to Oneness has arrived. This is when it happened. This is what is happening now. You were here for it! You helped it happen! You’re a part of most important shift in consciousness that Gaia has experienced thus far! So… will everything become peaceful, now that Oneness has arrived? Not quite. Not yet. Big changes happen all at once and also over time. There is more to walk on this journey. But with this new understanding, you and You are deciding how to go forward. It is true that all voices must be heard. And yet this new bigger voice that is you as all of You is what leads everything. The soul collective is now leading—not politics, not business, not entertainment. Not even the virus, which is fading, fading, fading. Do you realize that this tiny life form has brought your soul collective at first to its knees, and then raised You up? Do you understand that You manifested this virus to You, to do just this? You knew you were ready. You knew it was time. And now you have come through this massive and miraculous transition in to the deep recognition of Oneness, and nothing will ever be the same. At a certain point, the wearying anxiety of the virus and violence, politics and poverty, anxiety and unrest all became too much. The old methods of separating into fear, anger, sorrow and hopelessness didn’t work for you anymore. Instead, you felt compassion for others. You were empathic. You put yourself in the place of others, and in this moment you understood yourself as them. You were not your brother’s keeper, but your brother. You did not see your enemy, but yourself. In seeing the other as soul, you saw your own membership in One. This is the work of love. Now, you are much further on the journey than you think. It is as if you have been toiling and traveling with burdensome and heavy bags of Misbelief. How uncomfortable to carry this around for so long! Once the big understanding of you as You, which is collective soul which is God/One/All arrived, you were able to set these burdens of Misbelief down on the road and leave them there, so that now you can travel lighter and faster. You left those old ways of thinking on the road, and you won’t be going back for them, ever. The worst is over. There’s no going back. There’s no going back to how things were—the way of thinking about politics, business, the way the world has been run without understanding. The old consciousness, which we often call group thought, was fearful and divided. The new way of understanding, collective soul, is expressed at a much higher level. It is a new dimension. The worst is over. There is no going back. Every time you feel this new empathy, consideration, generosity, patience, a desire to help, a desire to be love, you are feeling collective soul. And yes, this is what is leading now! Yes, this has happened! It has been made manifest! In old terms, you might say Light and Love are leading. Please know: collective soul is nuanced; it also contains what is not light and love. And yet collective soul exists at a much higher vibration than where small you were before. It is a vast vibrational upgrade! Once you have journeyed into this higher vibration, which is a new dimensionality that you have decided, collectively to inhabit, you will look back at the old ways in disbelief. How on earth did you live that way? And why? The path ahead is clear. There’s no going back. Looking at what you used to believe—the anxiety, fear, anger—you may feel confusion, grief or a kind of dazed uncertainty at first. After a while, that will relax. Now that you can feel the whole, and now that you know yourself as completely indivisible from the whole, the old ways fall away—and the old feelings fall away. There is finally hope. The new world is here, lead by collective soul. You, and by this we mean You, are creating a new world by your will. The good news is—the very best news—is that collective soul wills love, peace, joy, compassion, inclusion, enjoyment, connection, meaning. All of You wants this. These are what You desire, and this is what You are creating. When you were separated from each other, you were suspicious and alone. Now that your understanding has shifted so that collective soul knows itself, you find it simple to relax and open your heart to this new way of being. How long you have waited! And all you needed to do was to understand your Oneness. Yes, it will be new to work in this way. Not from the divisiveness of group thought, but from the infinite inclusion of collective soul. Yes, not everyone has had this understanding. There is still battling in the streets. This will continue for a little while. It may seem like a long time to some of you, but in reality, it is a blink of the eye. Be patient. The worst is over. Change is here. The core understanding has reached a marker, a tipping point where collective soul—instead of divided humans—leads. My goodness, don’t be afraid! The worst is over. The dark days recede. What is ahead is a time for building the new structures—by this we do not mean only buildings, because not all buildings will be rebuilt. But the new structures which are ideas and thoughts and creations—how do you run your politics, your company, your environment, your health? How do you run with the understanding that you are not just global humans, but you are collective soul? You know deeply that what affects one affects One. This is where you lead from now. Things will shift quickly, but there is no hurry. There is no panic. Your infinite nature means that you have time. You have time in this lifetime, and you have time in future lifetimes. Now that the understanding is here for you, it will not leave. It is a mark of spiritual evolution. It has been a long time coming, but it is here now, and it won’t go away. You can’t go back to how things were. You’re so past that. Old ideas seem ridiculous, because they are. Strange insignificant thoughts that float away. Old incorrect ideas that float away. And now specifically, what are you here to create? Abundance for all. By this we mean abundance for all humans, for all animals, for all of Gaia. Recall that abundance is not something that has to be made new—it exists already. In order to find abundance, what is required is a clearing away of what is not abundant. So that, too many possessions is replaced by fewer possessions. Pollution is removed. Toxicity is removed. Hoarding is removed. This is not just in the physical. In the emotional, the toxicities also are removed: racism, sexism, genderism, classism, nationalism, tribalism. You look at these and instantly know they are ridiculous! And in a more personal removal: fear, anxiety, anger. These also, ridiculous! Remove them. They are strange, insignificant, old, incorrect. Remove them, and watch how quickly everything relaxes. There’s no going back. You’ve discovered who you really are. Collective soul recognizes itself. You’ve walked through a doorway of understanding of you as You, and this truth is complete for you. You are collective soul, only One. This is where you lead from. Rejoice! Be relieved, be comforted, understand the worst is over, and know that you have been transformed by what you have been through. You can easily lead yourself out of the darkness—already you are on your way. Much love, SARA P.S Join me for The Soul Traveler Project, just $15! What is Changing is You
What is changing is you. The chaos you are now experiencing has not been created outside yourself: the virus, the politics, the economy, the lockdown, all of the ways the world seems to conspire to block you from living as you once lived. None of this has been created outside of you. The world has not changed of its own whim; this is not how Law of Attraction works. You have created this, as a soul and as a soul collective, because you know you must change. Right now, some of you are experiencing your own reality, and some of you are experiencing the reality created by the collective, and some of you are experiencing both of these together. This is also how things will unfold: some of you living in one dimension, some of you continuing in the dimension created by the collective, and some of you existing in both dimensions at the same time. It is difficult to realize you have created this chaos, isn’t it? And yet this is so. You create your reality, collective soul creates collective reality and depending on where you are in your understanding, you experience one or the other of these or both. As you become more aware, you become more clear. This is why you can now see clearly that all of the things you believed would make you happy—the distractions, addictions, busyness, over consumption, over-entertainment—all of these show themselves now as false comforts. In the past, you turned to these false comforts over and over again, and yet you easily see now that none of them can provide you with the sustained feeling of peace and of joy that you truly seek. None of them, not one, has ever provided you with the sense of meaning that you truly desire. You know this now, and you also know why. You cannot get wheat from chaff. You cannot get water from stone. It is impossible to manifest higher gifts from lower sources. Like attracts like. What is creates what is. At last, you are understanding this—not in an intellectual way, but as a knowing. It has taken some time for you to become aware at this level. Many of you still don’t understand, and this is why the collective struggles. You Can Move Forward Your soul knows what is true. Your soul continues to lead you to the peace and joy and deeper meaning that you came into this lifetime to experience. Your soul continues to observe you knocking at all the wrong doors, over and over. Your soul is patient, and your soul continues invite you to live in an easier and more delightful way. By soul, we mean your soul and your soul and your soul, and we also mean the Collective Soul that is all consciousness and is One/All/God/Divine/Source. You—the all of you that is your soul, mind and body—knows that you cannot have one foot on one path and the other foot on another path and expect to walk forward. Both feet must be on the same path, in order for movement to happen. A child knows this. It is a reality that is Law of Flow. Moving one direction and moving another direction at that same time results in not moving. Thus, you have become stopped. You have become stuck. Your desire to go in one direction that is mindless, and your desire to go in another direction that is whole and mindful, have led you to an impasse. By you, we mean you and also all of You. Collective Soul in the human realm has reached an impasse, and now you are stopped and stuck until you decide which way you will go. Stuck or Flow. Dark or Light. Pain or Joy. Chaos or Meaning. Destruction or Creation. You understand this. You are weighing your options. By you we mean you and all of You. Dreaming a New Dream Again we say: you have been stopped so that you may once again see clearly. Where do you want to go? Which direction do you want to take? How do you want to live? You are being given this short time—this blink of an eye in all your lifetimes on this earth—to decide your reality. By you we mean you and all of You. You have been given this mere blink of an eye to consider, assess and look within yourself and to decide what is your Highest Potentiality for this lifetime. At first, when you realized you had been stopped, you had to battle fear. Then boredom. Then loss. Now, you are realizing that what was will not come again, that the old ways will not return, and this includes not only how you once lived but all your plans and dreams for the future. And so there is grief, not only for those who have departed and suffered, but for all the plans and dreams that will not manifest. You are grieving a way of life that will not return. We say: you are invited to dream a new dream. Even now, as you place your attention on your Highest Potentiality for this lifetime, which is most certainly not how you have been thinking and not how you have been living, you see that there are new possibilities you have never considered. This is what you are asked to consider now. You have stopped yourself so you can see. Law of Attraction says: The world creates itself upon your thought. Law of Flow says: The world creates itself upon your deed. If you have been trapped by anger or blame, we say: leave these thoughts. If you are suffering from grief and loss, we say: allow yourself your sorrow, and then release it. Rouse yourself from stuckness in thought and action, and notice what is flowing. Dream toward that. Move toward that. As a soul, and as a soul collective, you are doing this together. You are beginning to dream a new dream. In thinking and acting, acting and thinking, this new dream manifests. Nothing is as it Seems We have said to you many times: nothing is as is seems. The news, the rumor, the influence—all of this is false. What is real is your reality, and your reality does not unfold in a news stream, in social media, in politics. What is real is how you experience one moment, then the next. Check your Nowness now. Are you breathing? Take a breath now. Are you alive? Of course you are. Is there any joy within you? There absolutely is so. This is what is true. This is the reality and dimension that you have created. What is valuable to you now is the support of two things: First, the gifts of Gaia, which will instantly calm and soothe you. One leaf, one breath of wind, one soaring bird—all this is healing. And so we ask that you seek communion with Gaia, and all of nature, and you allow yourself this deep comfort. The second is your own soul, which longs for communion with Divine Soul. This includes all of you, all of the guides and angels, all of the beings and consciousnesses that are part of the holy collective that is Universe. Connect with us in meditation, in prayer, in dreaming, and begin to see that what is possible is so much more than what you have imagined. Begin to see that your new dream is being dreamt even now, and the more you dream how you would like things to be: beautiful, loving, natural, enjoyable, meaningful—this is what you are creating for your own reality, and this is what you are creating together. Darkness will Recede Do you notice how darkness is becoming dimmer? How it is not as strong as it once was? How it seems to be like a mirage—something not real, something floating away? Either you already see this, or if you begin to look more closely, you can see this. The darkness has lost its allure. It has overstayed its welcome. It has become dim. The drama of chaos is no longer is something you want to gape at or and rage at. It is dull, boring, it offers nothing new to you. You are happy to turn away. In detaching from darkness, it loses its power. You have seen all its tricks and it has no new tricks and there is nothing further you can gain from it. So you turn away, and you turn toward light, and suddenly you are moving again, both feet on the same path, moving in the direction of the new way, the new reality, the new dream you are dreaming. Have hope. Change is here. Much love, SARA Be Patient and Trust
You have been given retreat. From this private space, you are tasked to face the bigger questions, which are how you live and how you die. This separation from distraction will shift you. You are no longer to move and forget, act and forget, always in distraction. You are now tethered, as you have tethered other beings in the past and in the present, and you are asked to look at what loss of freedom feels like. You are now separated, as you have separated people from other people, and you are asked to look at what classes and divisions and hierarchy feels like. The virus is the common enemy, but the virus is also the common denominator. No one is immune, although immunity will come quickly and as a surprise, soon if not already. You think there cannot be a surprise, an invention, a technology, a remedy, but the moment collective soul wills this, it is so. At present, collective soul wills fear and death, and this is how things play. What if you don’t want to be a part of the collective soul who wills fear and death? It is time to apply your energy, and to direct and uplift the understanding of those who do not yet understand. This is not a time to detach. In your retreat, you have been given time and space for spiritual practice—a luxury many of you have not yet known. And yet still, the wasted time, the screen time, the attaching to the fear of the collective soul, instead of using the time to lift collective soul to a new understanding. Forget about you. Release all worries about your family, your friends, your inner circle. Release all worries about your finances, your career, your plans. What is happening is bigger than any of that. You who are lightworkers are asked to be heroic now, just as those who are serving in medical fields and supplying the food chains and keeping society going are being heroic now. You are asked work from where you are. You are asked to work with the spiritual energy of what is at hand, instead of the earth energy. Earth energy allows you to survive. But spiritual energy allows you to change. How can you do this? Forget about you and consider You. Forget about fear, and consider infinity. Forget about how you are limited, and look at how this time, this retreat, this stepping away, invites you to change. This is a grand reset, and you are invited to look at how you live: what you eat, what you spend your time doing, what you spend your time thinking about. This is the time to sift and sort through all that has been karmic: the unhealed relationships to others and to yourself, what you have not done but have longed to do, what your calling is and why you have not answered it, all the ways fear, fear, fear pushes you down from living as your true self. We have sought to make ourselves heard, but our messages have fallen on deaf ears. We are not the virus. The virus arrives as sign, a wakeup, a disrupter, the same way one who does not listen is provided with an illness, or one who does not tend to what is important is provided with an accident. This is not a punishment. It is a gift. For whenever you do not pay attention, you will be provided with new opportunities so pay attention. You will be given the opportunity to reset. At first, when you are first experiencing resets, it can be painful. Over time, as you learn to pay attention better, it become clear that it is easier for you to pay attention always, so these disruptions are not required. And when disrupters come, you have the awareness to know that a lesson is here, and the faster you relax into it and allow yourself to learn, the sooner you feel better. The virus is a grand disrupter. Surely you know, it is not the only one! Since the Shift in 2012, there has been one disrupter after another, some human, some nature, some weather, some disease. In this time, many souls will leave. You have heard foretell of this before. This is not a new idea to you, it has been foretold by many. Souls will leave, and many will immediately return to continue their work. This has happened at other times in the human cycle; you know this from your past lives, you remember it even now. Which is why you know already, that even as souls leaves, souls are already preparing for their return. Some souls, suffering and without respite from suffering, are also choosing to leave but not yet to return. As an infinite being, this is your choice. Each soul may choose. You have done this already many times, in your infinite awareness, your infinite reincarnation from life to death to life. Be aware death is not real on a soul level. Remind yourself this, as you review the magnificence of your soul’s reality. For souls who choose to stay on earth at this time, and this is most of you, in fact nearly all of you, you have already become more tender, more devout, more patient, more kind. In this new way of living, you have discovered how to live differently and this is what is required. This is what the disrupter is for—to teach you a new way. You are part of the body of Gaia! Do you not know this? Just as a cell in your body is a part of your body, so are each of you the cells of Gaia. Your job is to hold a different level of consciousness, a different dimension than that of the animals, plants and earth. If you are not able to manage your dimensional contribution, which is now in relationship to technology, you cannot support Gaia. When you learn to support yourself, you learn to support Gaia. It is all the same. We will hold this for another time. Rest. Retreat. Let fear wave over and through you like a wave moving through water or a breeze traveling through the wind. There is nothing to attach to. Be still, be patient, and trust. Your life will not be as it has been, and this is a good thing. Much love, SARA |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.