Channeled Forecast August 2024
Step Out of the Mainstream Click to WATCH NOW! When you opt out from the collective discourse, which is not collective soul knowing itself, but rather collective ego distracting itself, you finally begin to get clear. We suggest you do this immediately. You cannot get clear by following the loops and circles of ego distracting itself, and especially not of many egos distracting themselves. We are speaking first of your own attachments to ideas such as ambition, success, wealth, fame, power, which are all old ideas not worthy of you. We are speaking next of your attraction to and fascination with community discourse, such as social media, news media, political opinion, commerce and celebrity worship, that are also old ideas based on separation and inequality. These aspects of ego revering and collective ego adoring itself leads you nowhere. You are stuck in a pattern or puzzle or matrix of distraction that is not real, not important, and not of any value to you. For example: if you are a spiritual being attempting to exist only on a diet of junk food. You attempt to exist only on junk food, laden with chemicals, preservatives, missing of all nutritional value, rejected by your body or your spiritual nourishment as a diet of cardboard or plastic. Your body hungers for something real and whole. And yet the cardboard or plastic does not feed or nourish. It cannot even be digested. You can chew on it, but in the end you must spit it out. This is what is happening at this time with the distractions you are finding in social media, news media, politics, commerce and entertainment. We have said before that it is important to use technology as a tool to understand how connection can happen between beings, beyond distance. It is your key to learning telepathy, and this is happening now. You have seen and now believe that you can use technology as the middleman: your phone, computer, the various other devices that allow communication over distance. You do not have to be there to be there. All of this has been enormously useful to you. It is especially useful for connection you with kindred spirits on Gaia: for teaching, for meditation, for prayer, for sangha, for healing. Yes. However, when this level of communication is used for lies and misrepresentation, as a tool of greed and power, for doublespeak or propaganda speak or ways of speaking that are meant to confuse rather than to clear, it is of no use to you or anyone. It is junk for the mind and soul. It is also an addiction. So you are coming to the watering hole of community discourse, on your devices and screens, in your meetings and gatherings, and this is mass addiction to communication that has no meaning. If you are participating in this, stop. If you are addicted to this, get free. It is important to determine the difference between your beliefs as a reflection of your soul, and your mind as addicted to distraction. What is real is spiritual. What you experience in your dream state, in meditation, in communion with nature, in connection to animals, in your human connections, this is what is real. Your enjoyment of your own body, your physical self, of time and space as they flow past you or you flow past them. This is what is matters. What does not matter is the maddening crowd expressing its immaturity, dissatisfaction and drama in an onslaught As example: If you are in frequent contact with a person who is toxic, addicted, belligerent, abusive. You would not enjoy this relationship. It would not be healthy for you. It would be more integrated and more whole for you to leave this abusive relationship, and get free. This is what the current onslaught of social media, news, egoic voices chattering on without end, this is what this is. A collective of abuse. A collective of addiction. A collective of lower vibration that can only take you down, never up. A puzzle that can never be solved, a pattern that never makes sense. Remember: whatever you hear, watch, read—all of this is perceive by the mind as real, all of this is taken into the body as real. If it is toxic, you are feeding on a stream of toxicity. Instead of spending time in the mainstream, place your attention in the spiritual stream, which is the realm of dreams, meditation, prayer, blessing, communion and connection. You will never look back. The wholeness you will find from placing your attention on something sacred, your soul self, is something you cannot find on the path of modern ego. We do not proscribe any particular belief system. Let go of what you have been told. Discover your path through the practice of direct connection with everything; your guides, departed, relationships, animals, Nature, dreamworld, energy world, everything. Connect directly in as soul with everything that is in your life, and open your own relationship with the Universe. Your ability to have telepathy with everyone and everything is grown exponentially and if you are wasting your time in the mainstream, or even in old beliefs and superstitions you held years or even months ago, you are wasting valuable time that could be spent in direct connection for yourself. Let it all go. Drop all the beliefs. See for yourself. Begin your practice, now. Your ability to connect directly with the Universe is not optional. It is what gives your life meaning, and the only way humanity will evolve. The healing that arrives from direct connection is the path and the way. After recent events, I channeled this information for the US political situation. First, the guides reminded me of what I channeled for the 2024 Trends Reports. Next, I received new channeling. Both are below.
Here’s what was published in three parts in December 2023: “Old structures Political, religious, business—all of it is shifting under the weight of massive change all at once. None of it is as before. Change comes from new generations arriving, those who have been born for this. Change comes from older generations transitioning. All of this old structure is falling away: not only the physical or practical structure—but the structure in your mind. Let it all fall away. Look with new eyes. Find solutions new ways.” and “Political shifts Politicians do not interest the younger generations, and barely hold the interest of the elders. Younger generations focus on what matters to them, and political posturing is not on the list. We witness a complete overhaul of who’s in charge, and how government is run. The parliamentary system, the global alliance begins.” and “Elections fizzle We expect a year of election drama, but that doesn’t unfold. The old guard falls like dominos; they’re finally gone. Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z infiltrate, as they have been born to do. It’s time.” Here’s what I recently channeled, published July 15, 2024: What is happening in the US political system right now? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, or rather to all the men behind the curtains, working their machinations to retain power. The systems are falling down in front of your eyes, and as fast as they fall, the men behind the curtains attempt to distract you. Look clearly. See what is really happening, not the sleight of hand that misleads your gaze. What information can we trust? It would be best for you to put your devices down, tune out the news entirely, so that you will avoid the stream of miscommunication that attempts to deceive you. Don’t trust the system, trust that the system is changing. What is right in front of you is clear to see: the old two-party system has reached the end of its time. A new way of governing is forming, not out of idealism but because of practicality. It is forming even now and will be in place by next year. We do not speak of coup or takeover. We speak of the dissolving of old systems, with something new arriving and stabilizing to take its place. What will happen to the political leaders? Neither side has a leader that will be able to wear the mantle. By this we mean: both leaders have completed the cycle of leadership and will not continue as figureheads. No human can maintain the level of public exposure that these humans have experienced. One leader has attempted to buffer himself from collective energy by putting mirrors and protection in place, but recent chaos has caused him to step forward without these shields, and he is not up to the task. His task and life are soon complete. The other leader has not bothered to shield himself from the masses—he has thrown himself on the energy as if crowd surfing. He thought his previous energetic defenses would keep him safe, but to his surprise, this is not so. He overestimated his ability to withstand the frenzy. His ability to control chaos has backfired, and he finds himself hesitant and fearful. This causes him to misstep. He loses his ability to lead. Behind closed doors, he is a babbling man. What has polarization created? You will also notice; those jockeying around, those pushing for position soon show themselves as paltry men. Without a leader to hide behind, they have no core. In the past, there was leadership behind the throne, but there is no one there now. There is no calm steading force, there is no wise council. It is an energy field that has no connection and no center. The very polarization of sides is what has caused their demise. The centre cannot hold. What form will government take? Do not expect the election to go as planned. We have told you this before. The election will not be what you expect or what you have been told. Currently, a small group of leaders is quietly beginning to set up temporary control, out of necessity, not out of desire. This leadership will stabilize the government until the new coalition can be put into place. This is not a coup. It is a triage. This is temporary, there are no formal positions; it is behind the scenes. Who will be the new leader? There is no new leader. The new leadership is collective: a group of people leading together, in cohesion, as an antidote and protection from leaders who seek absolute rule as emperors and kings. The new leadership is female, younger, diverse, progressive and representative. When does this happen? This may not happen in the next months, but this is where your society is going. You are moving, over time, to this reality. Your progression is more important than the immediate events that will take place. Many of you will see the final tumbling of patriarchy and the creation of a new government that is collective. The faster you can open your minds, the easier your experience. Is there reason to fear? There is always reason to fear, because you are human and you exist at different levels of awareness. Even the most conscious among you have their suffering. Humanity has not learned coexistence, and it will be some time before you do, several generations. So you may fear, but also you may not fear. This is a stage of evolution, for humans on earth. You are not the only ones. Recall: many places in the world are experiencing the dissolution of structures, not just the US. When you drop arrogance and self-concern, you can see that this is a bigger planetary resistance to power structures. You might also notice: political leaders are figureheads. Corporations are in charge. Many things are shifting while your eyes and ears are elsewhere. Pay attention. What is happening energetically? No society can maintain itself on greed and corruption; the energy always implodes. You are in the midst of a massive correction—not from an outside force, but from yourselves as collective soul, evolving through change. This is a sign of growth. Who is really in charge? You are here to lead yourselves. No one can lead you or even point the way—your task is to discover yourself as soul, and to recognize all beings as the same. Begin to rule yourselves from this understanding. Note: this information is channeled; it comes through me. As a person, I have my own opinions; this is an attempt to provide a clear translation of what I receive. We are all entitled to our thoughts and feelings, expressed with respect for different views. Channeled Forecast JULY 2024
Become humble to everything You have been taught and you have believed that humans are the most intelligent species and deserve to rule the planet. This is not so. Many other species, both of this planet and visitors who have arrived from other planetary systems, hold great intelligence. Many are more intelligent than humans. This is a paradigm shift for you, but it is so. To be humble is to be wise. You do not know everything and as humans have in fact made many mistakes in the stewardship of Nature. What humans do have is language and symbol, and these are useful in the spreading of ideas. You may think that language, symbols, the ability to use these thought systems to create machines, computers and devices is the sign of advanced civilization, but what you are missing is this. Humans require these structures to survive. Other beings, in their innate wisdom, do not. They are already beyond the need to have assistance to survive. They are living fully already. Can you imagine the wisdom a tree gains from staying in one spot for 30, 100 years? Not only what it notices in this time, the life and change around it, but its very being, in communion with other beings through its root and leaf system, through its very breath exchange with the water, earth, sun and wind. The tree does not experience distraction. The tree is not on social media! We say, who is wiser? The being that stays in beingness, contributing to the planet? Or the human who runs from drama to drama, creating chaos and waste without even awareness of this? Trees, plants, animals; it is simple for you to sense or empathize with these beings, because there is so much communication between you already. You connect in empathy and emotion for trees and plants, and with animals there is the additional aspect of movement and telepathy using a similar meaning language. However, you have not even begun to understand that you may communicate with everything, living and non-living. Just as some of you can work with the guides and angels, the helper beings who assist in elevating understanding, so too is the world, the very planet of Gaia, teeming with intelligence that is not just hereditary or the inherited nature of an animal, insect, fish or bird, but actually consciousness. All beings are conscious—living and non-living. It may be hard for you to accept this because it knocks you out of top spot, which is an illusion. But it is so. The weather, elements, crystalline world, the inanimate objects that you give no thought to—these also have consciousness. Everything. No exceptions. When you begin to work at this level, the world is different. It is not that you can talk to everything, living and non-living, because not every being works with language or symbol. You must find a different way of communicating, which is not based on language, symbol or even emotion, as most of the planet does not use these methods of communication. So you will have to a learn new way. Just as many of you have learned soul language to communicate with guides and angels, you can also learn soul language to communicate with all beings. We suggest: you may need to go slower or faster. Part of the secret is vibratory. Another part is simply trying. All manner of beings: human, animal, plant, the many other living and non-living beings, guides and angels, all beings in other dimensions who also exist on Gaia, visitors from other planets, the microscopic beings, those who exist within the human body. All of this: smallest to largest, fastest to slowest, most familiar to least familiar–all are here for you to communicate with, if you desire. Go into meditation, find the vibration where communication is happening, and begin to familiarize yourself with this dimension or stream. It is there for you if you want it. Not to control, not for research, but to commune with the grace of Gaia. It is a wonderment, when you pay attention. All beings, living and non-living, are undergoing the consciousness shift we have mentioned. You have just come through many doorways at once, as we have discussed. All of you. Not just humans. You have noticed: the weather systems becoming activated in places where they quiet before. You have noticed the early rumblings of the earth. You have noticed the speaking of the seas and waters. All of this: consciousness opening, and just as you say no to aspects of your life that no longer work, these systems of wind, water, earth, fire also open into a new understanding, and also say no. Be humble. Tread in awe. You are not the only ones here. Listen to others. |
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.