The Light is Here
Can you see the Light yet? Some of you can and some of you can’t, but we say: even if you cannot see it yet, it is here. The Light is here, and it is getting brighter and stronger. Yes, we hear the murmurings in loud clamor: How can it be here? Why can’t we see it? Why is there so much darkness swirling around us? How can we find our way? And yet, so it is. The Light is here. Wherever you are now, you can look for it, move toward it. We will tell you how. The Light is here, and it is your destination. This is where you are heading toward, wherever you are now. Some of you are near, a few of you are here, many of you are still far away, many of you are still shrouded in darkness. Yet the Light exists, it is real, and you can walk toward it even if you can’t see it yet. Keep walking, and your path will become illuminated. Continue on, and you will easily see your way. As believe, so the Light lights your way. It is not a question of faith, it is simply how it is. Try it. If you don’t believe it, try it anyway. So, if you cannot yet see the Light, and if you are not sure you even believe in the Light, or if the idea of the Light makes no sense to you, what can you do? Let us put it this way: you already know what is dark, yes? That’s very clear to you, yes, there’s no question there? You have become entirely familiar with what is dark these long months, these long years, even these many decades of struggle and suffering, even for centuries. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, you have known what dark looks like. Over time, you have become very familiar with it. Across generations, you have walked in the shadows and you have existed side by side with it even as you prayed and hoped and wished for a new way. We say: you already know this enemy! You know all its tricks and cunning ways. There are no secrets here. So now, you can stop walking with it. Step away, step forward, step back, step to the side, step into a space where the enemy, the shadow, the darkness does not exist, and here you will find Light. Just step away. It’s that easy. How can you free yourself from shadow? Recall that Light and dark cannot coexist. It is either Light or dark, one or the other, but both cannot exist together. There is no gradation, there is no shade of grey. At any point only one can be prevelant, the Light or the dark. So if you are in a place where you are in Light, darkness has no room. If you are in a place where you are in darkness, you are not in Light. They cannot coexist. Again: there is either Light or shadow, there is nothing that is Ligh and shadow. Either Light illuminates or shadow dims and you get to choose in which aspect of Light or dark you will stand. The Myth of Darkness Until now, you have been misled by the Misbeliefs of your cultures. What you have been taught is incorrect, and you have been under this influence for many lifetimes. Generation after generation, lifetime after lifetime, you have been taught that you must make room for darkness, that there was no way to live without it, that you must allow yourself to live in fear, that enslavement to darkness was your due, that because of your inherent baseness you could never become free. Some of you even believed you were darkness. All of this is untrue. This Misbelief—the myth and the misinformation of darkness that you were taught? Of course you know that this was created to control you, across so many lifetimes. Those who were and are in control, by this we mean human forces, have used the myth of darkness a way of holding power in civilization after civilization. You understand this is the myth of separation? You understand how this Misbelief has been used against you, used to control you, used to shame you? Yet the wheel of karma continues to turn, does it now? Eventually, everything expands into Light. Collective soul is ever expanding, and every individual soul expands over time. In this generation, in this lifetime, you—yes, you!—are finally realizing that you do not have to follow this Misbelief. Darkness can hold no sway over you. This truth sets you free. In Truth is Freedom Truth is unadulterated Light. It is pure Light, without a particle of darkness. There is no duality in truth. It simply is, blazing clear and illuminating what is. You have not lived in truth for a very long time, perhaps not for many lifetimes, perhaps not in many generations, perhaps never. Everything has always been hidden, shrouded, in bitter secrecy. And yet, you now know truth. As a soul, you exist in Light, which is truth, and this is what you are. Yet as a human, you have been slashing your way through the shadows since you arrived on Gaia. Why is this so? Consider all your lifetimes: in this one a poor woman, in this a powerful man, in this a child, in this an elder. A short life, a long life, a sad life, a happy life. A life where no progress was made, a life in which progress was exulted. Over and over the karmic wheel turns, and with each turn and every lifetime, you made the choice to proclaim Light, to walk toward light. It has always been your choice. It is your choice now. Hold the Light In all of these lifetimes shrouded in darkness—in fear, in anger, in rage, in secrecy, in wasted time and thwarted efforts, in lack of transparency and too much pride—you have also been shown Light. Some of you, leapfrogging ahead, saw Light early and followed it. You were the visionaries, the heretics, the pioneers, the rebels. Thank you. Some of you blazed this trail are reading this now. Others of you saw Light and recognized it, but were not able to follow it. You hid what you knew, suffered in silence, held Light under wraps. Be brave this time! You are becoming reacquainted with truth now. You are now given the choice to proclaim what you have known for some many lifetime—how to hold the Light—not hide it. Others of you, alas, so many lifetimes spent asleep, in misery, in fear, unaware of your true nature, covering your eyes with your hands even as the Light streamed in to wake you—now is your time to awaken. For here you are, once again with the Light on your face, and once again you have a choice. But know: this time is different. It is easier; in fact, it is easy! So many more of you are awakened or waking! The shift has happened, the tipping point has been reached, the battle has already been won, Light has surpassed dark! Collectively, as collective soul, you have reached a level in which you can see truth: you can look at Misbelief and recognize it for the falseness that it is. In this time, right now, you can no longer be tricked. You can no longer be duped. You see things for what they are, and you recognize what has been. In your grand evolution as soul in human experience, you finally claim your true nature. You desire to hold the Light and to proclaim it as real. Hold this truth now. It will be a beacon in days to come. There is No Battle In the past, you have been told there will be a battle of Light and dark. Know clearly: there is no battle. Light is infinitely more powerful. Infinitely, eternally so. Darkness is merely illusion, a silky and tempting mirage. You already know that a mirage can seem very real from a distance, and can fool you for a while, but as you get closer, you see this mirage is not real. As collective soul recognizes that darkness has been used as a smokescreen for control—as you get closer and closer—you see that all of this Misbelief was never real. It has no power. It is a shadow, a mirage, a dimness, a smoke and mirrors created and perpetuated to keep you from seeing what is real. Again, why did you not see this before, in all of your lifetimes? Some of you did, but there were too few of you to raise the clarion call. Others of you did, but you were too afraid to say what you knew. In this lifetime, finally, you are here together, shoulder to shoulder as collective soul awakened, and you know what is real, and you know what is Light and what is sleight of hand, and you can proclaim your truth. Recall again: darkness is the emperor who wears no clothes. See it, proclaim it, and watch as lifetimes and generations of Misbelief and illusion come crashing down. The old structures crumble—remember, these are not buildings but beliefs. The old systems tumble—remember, these are also beliefs. Hold the Light, remember the battle is already won, and proclaim the truth. Be amazed, how quickly change comes. Much love, SARA P.S. Sign up now for Gathering Light: An Autumn Retreat. Just $15! Comments are closed.
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.