All of Your Gifts are Required Roll up your sleeves. Step into the ring. The work that you have been destined for has arrived. There is no more waiting, There is no more hiding. There is no more preparing or getting ready. What is here now is what you have been waiting for and there is only one thing to do, which is to say yes. Whenever you consider your soul destiny, remember: your contribution comes in many forms. Many of you have esoteric gifts—you see visions, you channel, you communicate with the spirit world, you can journey in the dimensions, you can heal with energy. There is much work for you. Others of you have wordly gifts—you understand how to support and sustain, you can grow things, you can build things, you know how to work with people, animals, plants. There is much work for you. Others of you are here to shape the mundane reality—you work in politics, policies, business, banking, resources, energy. There is much work for you. You are each called to contribute with the unique gifts that you have been born with in this lifetime. All of your gifts are required. Don’t worry if you have gifts that don’t seem important—they are. Don’t worry if your gifts are not to your liking—you have been brought into this world, into this lifetime, with the exact offering that will support the whole, the Oneness community that is all of you. Don’t try to change or wish you were different. Everyone is needed. The key is to step in. Do What Needs to Be Done In this past year, you have been in retreat—resting and releasing. You have been waiting, but this time has not been wasted. It has been a grand reset; without this fallow time, you would have never looked at who you were, who you have become, and who you have the potential to be. Without this rest phase, distraction would have piled on distraction, and you would have never understood your potentiality. Those of you who did the work—you are ready now. You are done resting. The time for action is here. You will be very active in this next phase: you will move, you will build, you will organize, you will create, you will shape, you will change, you will do. Everything moves very quickly when you act in right timing, and this phase now is the right timing for change, action, movement. If you have done your soul work, you will know exactly what needs to be done, and you will do this with strength and focus—it will be easy to get work done now, and to make the changes that you are ready to make. If you have not done your soul work yet—if you did not use the rest time for resetting, but simply hid out in distraction—you will be required to do your soul work now. Whatever has not been released, will go. Whatever had not been reviewed, will show up in full force. Distraction is a way of numbing, and if you have been numbing out, waiting for everything to be over, recall that you are always in life. There is no escaping any part of life. The work that calls to be done will call to be done. If you have not done your soul work yet—the releasing and resetting that you were called to do this past year—it will arrive at your doorstep now. Helping Others to Awaken So much still swirls in confusion on the world stage. There is still violent conflict in political and business leadership. There has been so much political confusion, so much chaos. What is most confusing to the awakened soul, is how so much of the world is still asleep. How can it be possible, you say? How can anyone think or act in such a profane way? Why doesn’t everyone understand we are One? And yet, this is the nature of an evolving world. This is the nature of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Those who are awake will chafe at the deep, unrelenting slumber of those who are still asleep. What can wake them up? The answer is that you, in your own awakening, are helping others to awake. Will it be in this lifetime? Certainly not. Remember: you are at the beginning of the new era. Change happens, but it does not happen all at once. Be patient, be hopeful, know that you with your own understanding are lifting the world. Love everyone, even those who are sleepwalking. All souls wake up, for it is their destiny to turn to the Light. Souls Reincarnate The generations who were here during the past traumas—the times of disease, the times of war, the times of personal suffering—these souls continue to leave. Every lifetime is finite, even though all souls are infinite. They are leaving now, so they can reincarnate now, so they will be ready to stand alongside you, should to shoulder, for the next wave of human evolution. Recall that as humans evolve, their abilities to remember who they are also evolve. This means that the person who reincarnated into new birth no longer has to start from scratch—this time, they arrive with more memory, more understanding, of the lifetimes they’ve already lived. This creates a human that is more compassionate, who takes a broader view, who is more patient, less dramatic, less inclined to conflict and to waste. If someone you live dies or nears death, you can celebrate their life and what they have understood in this lifetime. As you grieve, remember also that they will be back to work with you again, lifetime after lifetime, and that you are beginning to remember, as souls, the reincarnations that you have had already. Compassion increases on the planet, as souls arrive who can remember. Nature Reflects Consciousness Most of you have seen firsthand, the ravages in the natural world. The drought, the fires, the smoke, the floods, the winds, the snows, the ice. You have experienced loss of home or loss of environment. There has been damage and distress all over the world. We say: it is not just climate change, although this is certainly part. We say: realize that nature, the natural world, is as much a part of collective consciousness as you are. What affects one affects One. Nature is absorbing, reflecting and mirroring all of your own feelings and emotions. What is in the collective consciousness, which is all of you—humans, animals, nature, the inanimate—is being show to the collective. Heal your soul, and you begin to heal all souls. It is not enough to create mechanical changes. The suffering you are seeing comes from within you—from within all of you, as One. This is also what needs your attention. The Age of Aquarius brings with it the understanding that Gaia is also us, and that healing happens for humans, animals, plants, the inanimate—healing happens not just for one, but for All. Much love, SARA P.S. Sign up now for THE FAMILY KARMA PROJECT, just $15! Comments are closed.
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.