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Working with ego We spend much of our life clinging to our attachments. We attach to the past. We attach to relationships. We attach to false ideas about who we are. We attach to false ideas about who we should become. It’s not wrong to mull and ponder over all of our experiences. What gets us into trouble is ego cling. Remember: The ego does not care about your soul awakening. The ego just wants to be in charge. This means: The ego will cling to anything that lets it run the show. The ego will cling to anything that keeps it in control. This isn’t good or bad. It’s what is. So we can learn to work with that. We don’t need to get rid of the ego. We don’t need to quiet it or subdue it. Instead, we can learn to work with it. Recall: we can’t get rid of ego. Ego is part of the package that makes us human. We can no more climb out of our body. Some people call ego shadow. That’s a way to think of it. But lots of ego is not dark at all. Lots of ego is what creates our joyous, friendly, open self. Or our motivated, focused, hardworking self. Or our quirky, sensitive, curious self. The key is: we get to choose how much ego leads. When it’s useful, we can let ego lead. When it’s not useful, we can let soul lead. Ego thinks it in charge, but soul is really in charge. There’s no contest or argument. Just knowing this can help. Your ego can either pull you forward. Or drag you back. The key is: you get to decide. The part of you that is soul gets to decide. Ego is not an unruly monster. The shadow is not more powerful. Even when we are in our darkest moments, we have choice. Ego is like a small, willful child. Easily distracted to the next shiny thing. Keeping mind/ego/personality busy is easy. We can work with this. Much love, SARA P.S. For weekly teachings on spiritual intuition on YouTube! Subscribe! P.P.S. LAST CALL for Spiritual Psychic SPRING 2023! Comments are closed.
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.