DIVINESTROLOGY July 2021 Growing as a Soul The Aquarian Age starts with bumps and jolts. What is coming is a new time, where so much of the pain and misunderstanding of the decades, nay the centuries, will dissolve. This is what you are moving too, as a soul collective. But you, dear soul, are at the forefront—you are the pioneer, the visionary, the way shower, the light bringer. Do not be disheartened if the promised land has not yet revealed itself. It is not a mirage or a fantasy. It is just not here yet. As a soul pioneer, you agreed to be here during this momentous time. Do you see how you, with your current wisdom gained from so many decades on this planet, have arrived at the exact perfect conjunction of time and awareness, to support this monumental consciousness shift? You have been through so much, you have lived through so much, and now all of this start-stop, start-stop journey of awakening-suffering, awakening-suffering, is beginning to change. You are witnessing this right now. Pay attention! Your task—the task you came here for, your soul mission, your soul contribution—has just begun. You are Here to Experience Light You are here as a way shower—this is your overall task or soul mission in this lifetime. This is why you and all of you have dropped into this particular time on earth, to be ready at this dawn of the new age. We say: to be a way shower may be different than you think. You are not necessarily here to lead or to teach or gather or to offer—some of you are, but many of you are not. Your bigger task is to inhabit consciousness. To take your understanding of yourself as a soul in human container—and this understanding is vast for many of you—to take your understanding out of the realm of intellect, of mind/ego/personality—and to apply it to your own life. This means that when you see or experience suffering, you do not respond with the old way of anger, anxiety, complaining, depression, revenge, hurt. You also do not respond with the false positivity that is so common when facing suffering with an intellectual understanding of light. Instead, you respond to suffering as light. By this, we mean you attach and connect to the vibration of light directly, at the highest level you can manage or attain. And you bring this light into yourself, and you allow yourself to radiate with this light. It is a very different approach. It is not intellectual. It is not based on study. It has nothing to do with the outer aspects of what is going on in the world, what you learn about in your social media, internet, news. What is outer is transitory and passing, a din of clamor and emotion that is passing. The samsara, the dream. You are only a part of that as you attach to that. If instead, as a way shower, you attach to the true reality of yourself as infinite, this is the consciousness that you experience. The dream or the reality? As a way shower, you are asked to connect to the true reality, not the world dream. Many of you have specific tasks in bringing forward the new ideas of the Aquarian Age. Those of you who are older, you are here to share your wisdom via light—via the emotions and reactions of compassion, peace, kindness and love—and to spread this light to all you meet. You may be here to teach or to lead, but this is secondary. Your main job is to inhabit light. Those of you who are younger, it is time for you to take up the mantle that your elders held, and to begin to lead to the new world. This is about consciousness, but it is shown in a different way—you are here to lead for the care of Gaia, for the care of each other. The planet, the plants, the animals, the humans—you are here to know the interconnectedness of everything, and to support healing and nurturing for all beings. Those who are older are here to shine light—be the way shower with your Divine light. Those who are younger are here to create change—to be the pioneer with your understanding of Oneness, and to create change in the broken world, and to bring Oneness to fruition. Leave Trauma Behind We know that you have experienced trauma. This is perhaps one of the biggest karmic tests for some of you, what you have recently been through and are still processing. Some of you have been born into a time when there was no war, when there was no poverty, when your lives have been relatively free from suffering. And yet you have seen from these last years, that suffering is real, that trauma is real, and that it affects all of you. One person’s suffering is not great than another person’s suffering. Anytime one of you descends into the pain of darkness, anger, anxiety, grief, you feel separate, you feel isolated and alone. The pandemic has created all of these emotions, and many of you continue to feel isolated and alone, betrayed by a life that has suddenly moved into uncharted territory. Remember: as a soul living infinite lifetimes, you have already experienced trauma, over and over. Some of you have been in wars, some of you have experienced poverty, some of you have experienced great injustice. The karmic wheel turns, and you continue to face suffering, even in what to most of the world would seem like the most privileged circumstances. So know this—all suffering is the same, all suffering is different, all suffering bring separation. The key is to return to Oneness. You are allowed, now, to leave the trauma behind. By this we do not mean forget. We mean to look at trauma as a misbelief of separation, and to understand instead that your true nature is not affected by any suffering ever. No pain is a match for the light. Even death is not stronger than the light. You are infinite consciousness, and this is what is true. Nothing can change your infinite nature. So now your task is to detach from the dream of the world, and to leave the trauma behind and to focus on what is real. We understand this is hard to understand for many of you. And for those of you who do understand, it is still a mighty task. How to transcend suffering and radiate light? This is your mission, now, as way showers. How to know Oneness and bring that awareness into the world. This is also your mission now, as way showers and creators of the new age. Time is Different One of the aspects that is here to help you, is that time has changed. Do you feel this? The quality of time has changed. Your dreams are more vibrant, more meaningful, you long for them as the aligning creative force they are. Your meditations are lighter—you go deep, but you cannot remember what you received, because you are already living what you have received. You are in and out of the veil, in this world and in the etheric world, in mundane reality and in soul consciousness, in a new way. It is not that the veil is thinner; the veil has always been non-existent. It is that you are more awake as souls, and so that you move effortlessly between realms and dimensions in a new way. Time is different. Dimensionality is more available to you. You know yourself as multidimensional, and this is allowing you to live with greater detachment from what does not matter—the misbeliefs of your culture and your time, the consumerism, the striving, the attainment, the achievement—all misbeliefs. And you are allowing yourself to live from soul first, instead of mind/ego/personality. Time is different, which means you have more time. The more time you spend in connection with your inner self, which is Divine light, the more time expands so that you may experience this state. When you attach to the light, you experience more light and you radiate more light. This is your journey and your task. Much love, SARA P.S. See our self-study COURSES here. Comments are closed.
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.