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Remembering who you are We are here to become the true self. The true self is our infinite self. The true self is our soul. This is not news to anyone, but: • Body is finite—we will certainly die. • Mind/ego/personality is finite—we change every lifetime. • Soul is the only part of us that lasts. So we might as well work on the part of ourselves that is the most real, the only thing that never ends: our infinite self. For many of us, learning to live from soul is what this lifetime is all about. This is our reason for being. It’s really a choice, isn’t it? To distract ourselves with surface stuff that doesn’t last. Or to actually focus on what matters—experience ourselves as soul. Once you reach a certain point on your spiritual path, you find a lot of what’s in the world doesn’t matter. It’s all just temporary. It’s all going to be gone soon enough. And, you can’t take it with you. Not your stuff. Not your body. Not even your mind. Once you reach a certain point on your spiritual path, you start to detach from the temporary. The me/my/mine loses its intrigue. The personality quirks and drama seem unimportant. The clamor of ego and its desire fades out. We’re left with our soul self. Trying to figure out that relationship. Trying to live as soul in the world. Because of course, there’s life. So many distractions will claim our focus. So many worldly details will require our attention. The trick is to hold all that—be in it fully—and yet still remember who we really are. This is just life, isn’t it? Most of us will find ourselves spending a lot of time and energy in the worldly parts of life: family, relationships, work. There are many distractions from the Divine self, and this is okay. At different parts of our life we will certainly find ourselves dealing with the practical, the mundane. We’re also certainly going to spend time with the false, the fantasy, the dark, the destructive. We are not here to live on clouds. We here to live in the world as it is. We are dropped in to a particular life in a particular part of the world, with particular people and situations, and this is what we must deal with. Life is as we find it. Not as we desire it, but as it is today. As we engage with what is real, we work at remembering we are soul. Much love, SARA P.S. Signup NOW for INTUITION UNIVERSITY SPRING 2023! Comments are closed.
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.