Divinestrology: December 2021
Separation is impossible We are here to remind you of a concept entering into your awareness. You have heard it before, in many lifetimes and in many different ways. But you have pushed it aside, or you have resisted it, or you have not understood it, or perhaps you have forgotten to remember. This understanding is forming now, in collective soul. The more you are able to align with this concept, the better you will fare in this coming time of change. Here is the concept: There is no separation. There are no boundaries or dividing lines. Everything is part of everything. It is impossible for you to be separate. Even your very body, what you might consider the container of your spirit, it not a finite system. It is not a me, mine, a closed system, holding your soul or spirit within. Your skin is not the boundary of your body. Your body is not the boundary of your soul. There is no me or mine. Instead, your self, the part you believe is you, merges with everything: your soul expands past your body, infinite and unending. It is vast and uncontained and forever. Your body also merges with everything: the boundary of your skin is no boundary at all, for it merges with the air which merges with the sky which merges with the planets. Or, on a level that may make more sense to you, your skin merges with the air, which merges with the air surrounding the person next you, which merges with that person. Everything is inhaling everything else. Everything is exhaling everything else. Everything is breathing everything. Everything is being breathed by everything. And those things you say don’t breathe? The non-living, the inanimate, what you might even call non-conscious? They also have energy exchange, the constant motion of energy particulate at the smallest micro level, in constant and continual exchange. No boundaries. No self. Nothing separate. Everything is energy particulate, everything is in constant exchange, there is no source of one thing or another thing, nothing is defined, it is all and only Source. Everything is energy particulate, continually forming and reforming into the shimmering hologram or projection that you think that you see because you have been told you see this. Yet this is indeed mirage. There is no separation of one thing from another because it is all the same. There is no separation. You in physical form are not separate from air, tree, planet, person. You as soul are not separate from collective soul, which is All/One/God/Universe . You in different times, in different dimensions, not separate from other times or dimensions. You, not separate. So this myth you are believing, this story you are telling and retelling: this narrative that you are separate from nature, from each other, from time, from dimensions… it’s an old story, meant to control you. But it’s all rumor, all gossip, the myth of your culture and the time and place you find yourself. Prevailing narrative, accepted as truth. But only a story. The minute you let got of this myth and open to the undeniable Oneness of everything, you become free. Recall again: it is not only that you are interconnected and interdependent. These are both true, but it is more than this. It is your Oneness, your sameness, your Source-ness: it is you as a whirl of particulate energy and everyone and everything else across all time and dimension also as particulate energy, all same. This is what we ask you to remember. Even if you want to be separate, you can’t. Oneness is what is. Thus, this freedom you have been seeking in all your lifetimes—the peace, the joy, the satisfaction, the meaning, the answer—is found in Oneness. You no longer have to protect yourself from everything, build walls and create separation for what is other. There is no other. Instead of protecting, open to what is. Separation is impossible. So now what? When you understand that you are part of everything—not just interconnected or interdependent or intertwined but self-same particulate piece of God/One/Universe—you can surrender to what is: your place in the Universe, same place as everything and everyone. You are never apart from. You are always part of. We ask: with this understanding, held by many of you and increasing every day—why does your culture, your company, your politics, your social media tell the story of separation? Yet this falseness—the myth of separation that is told and retold, this myth that continues to circulate lifetime after lifetime… you are becoming wise to it. So with this: what about what you want to stay apart from? What about people who aren’t like you? What about people you don’t like? What about politics you disagree with? What about the cult and corporation and culture that is so misguided? We say: Yes, even that is part of. The moment you can understand this: that you are part of, that it is impossible to be apart from—not matter what this is—this is where freedom begins. Drop the myth in the dirt. You, as self and as collective soul, are beginning to taste Oneness. Watch for it, seek it, hone your perception of what is. Drop the myth, leave it be, let it go. You don’t have to carry it with you one step further. In other times and in other places, you have outgrown other myths. Now, as collective soul remembers Oneness, the myth of separation also fades. Understand you are a part of. Understand you cannot be apart from. Apply this understanding to your life. Experience this freedom. Much love, SARA P.S. We're filling FAST for Intuition University Winter 2022! Comments are closed.
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.