A New Age Dawns
The stillness of the season beckons you, and if you are wise, you will heed it. Now is a time for sleep, for dreams, for allowing yourself to be healed beyond understanding from all that you have experienced in this last cycle. By cycle, we do not mean this past year, although this has been the culmination and the crisis that many did not believe they would see in this lifetime. By cycle, we do not mean a time frame in this lifetime. We mean the cycle you have been in for generations, when the Age of Pisces began. This was long ago. Even those of you who recall your past lives may not easily be able to go back this far, generation upon generation, from the 1400s. The changes here! The religions created and conquering, the power established and defended, the industry built and capitalized, the technology invented and inundated. From whatever you know of history from whatever you know of past lives, from whatever you have dreamed, recall the progression of these centuries and the evolution of the human during these times. Much growth! Much exploration! Much conquest! And yet this age you are now completeing, this Piscean Age, has been oriented to the external. These last centuries have been focused on the conquest of the human mind and ego, and this now gives way. From ego to heart The new Aquarian Age begins on December 20, 2020, which is also Solstice 2020. What a time, to celebrate human ingenuity and invention on the outer scale! And what a time, to celebrate the new age dawning, which is oriented to the internal. The centuries ruled by mind and ego are at an end. The new age dawns and it is focused not on building and conquering outer structures, but on building and expanding inner structures. By this we mean the heart, which is also the soul. Recall again: the heart is where the soul resides. In this new age, of which you stand on the threshold, the entire focus changes. You will learn to explore what is internal: the emotion, the feeling, the connection, the Oneness, the compassion, the love. This is where you are invited to go, in the Aquarian Age. Will all of you go there? Not in this lifetime. It is a beginning, it is a starting point, and some of you will go there now—you will ascend to a new dimension, and you will exist there in that reality, still on earth, but in a different reality. Others will continue to grasp the old ways, and they will exist in the old reality until they gain the understanding that allows them to leave those ways behind. There is no right or wrong timing; each soul expands in Divine timing. The choice however is yours: to accept the new understanding of the dawning age or to grasp the Misbeliefs of the past era. What you choose determines the reality, the dimensionality that you inhabit. December 20, 2020 is cause for mighty celebration! The wheel of karma turns and humanity begins a new cycle of evolution, no longer focused on the external, but on the internal. Much love, SARA P.S. Signup now for The Aquarian Project, just $15! Comments are closed.
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.