DIVINESTROLOGY AUGUST 2022 Pain is Misbelief There are a few things that you will need to understand as you move into this new lighter, less dense, more joyful reality. The first is that you don’t need to hold pain. Pain isn’t something that is meant to be kept. It is a momentary feeling that is meant as a warning or protection for you, an alert system if you will. However, somewhere in your history, you began to think of pain as punishment that must be endured. Pain as punishment for wrongdoing or sin. We say, there is no sin. There are only souls working on soul lessons. The early stages of soul understanding are quite primitive and may be filled with undesirable actions. There may be violence, cruelty, harm. There is power and punishment as a way to retain that power. However, these are old views. There were incorrect at the beginning, and they are archaic now. So when you feel pain, suffering, despair in your mind, know that these are Misbeliefs. You don’t need to hold onto this. It doesn’t belong to you or you, or you—in fact it doesn’t belong to any of you. It’s all Misbelief, a mirage that does not really exist. You can release it, or you can simply stop believing in it. So many of you hold onto pain as if it is necessary or important, but it is not. Pain, suffering, these are ways of helping open you to what is actually possible, with is no pain and no suffering. This applies to mental suffering, which is really the biggest issue that humans face. It also applies to physical suffering, which is easily, simply, quickly resolved when collective soul begins to work together. There is no reason for physical suffering on the planet, when souls help each other. There is no reason for mental suffering on the planet, when souls realize holding pain is a Misbelief. When the understanding changes, the suffering floats away. You look back over your shoulder and you cannot even believe it was there. How was it that you were in this dimensional state, this mental fog, this house of smoke and mirrors that is mental suffering. Why did you live there so long? How did you get there in the first place? What did it all mean? It meant very little. It was a bardo place, and the purpose of the place was not to experience anything of important, the place itself was important, and the journey out if it that was important. It is not what happened in the bardo of suffering, but how you decided to come out of the fog into the light. The importance of the soul lesson is to release despair, it is deciding to leave the grey fog of despair. It’s deciding to leave. When you leaven that world: the gritty, gray, suffering world of physical and mental pain, you come to a new land. This is where you have arrived and are arriving now. Much love, SARA Study with SaraWould you like to study directly with Sara? Signups are OPEN for Spiritual Psychic FALL 2022! These groups always sell out, so if you're interested, please don't wait! Learn more
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.