Eyes Wide Open
We have said the worst is over, and this was confusing to you. How could the worst be over when the there is much worst still here? And yet, this is so. The reason that the worst is over is because you now have eyes wide open. You are no longer asleep. Even those of you who have been asleep or who have wanted to go back to sleep are aware that they are also awake. There is a different feeling now to everything, and many of you are extremely aware of this, and all of you are partly aware of this. So, consciousness has come into the human field, it is now part of the human vibration. This has been a long time coming. It will continue to build, and as you know the fruits of this awakening will begin to manifest at the end of the year 2020. It is arriving more quickly than you know. Until that time, it is important to be with your pain—the pain that arrives from not numbing out any further, but from looking at what is. It is incredibly sad, is it not? The suffering, the chaos, the violence, the hatred, the rage, the hopelessness? And yet it is in looking at this suffering—yours and yours and yours—with eyes wide open, that you can begin to process and release and transmute this pain Consider yourself a body—you and all of You are one body, and this body is receiving a healing. The first thing is to notice what hurts. The next is to allow the healing. This is what collective you are doing, you are noticing what hurts and you have been saying what hurts, loudly and insistently. How much better, to feel what is real, that to numb out in distractions and addictions. Now, you are getting real. And so you are realizing that you are hurting, and you are crying out in your pain, and finally the body collective, the soul collective, can be healed. Before, when you were numb and distracted, you were not really here. You were going through the motions of your life with no awareness. Now that you are finally here, arriving into the field of awareness, the healing can begin. Return to Yourself You might think of it this way: when you experience deep pain and trauma, many of you dissociate into different realms. Sometimes these are to spiritual realms, but often these are just realms of escape. You just go somewhere else, so that you do not have to deal with the pain and trauma that is raging all around your earth self. This is what you have been doing, not just as an individual but also as a soul collective. You have all dissociated. You have gone elsewhere. The human life was there, but no one was inhabiting it. The human body was there but no one was home. So now, you have crept back into your body, into your life, and you are shocked at the pain and suffering that you and you and you and You have been through. And in this waking up—to what is real on the earth level—you are moving to a place where you can move through your pain and begin the real healing of the collective. We do not often talk this way about pain, do we? We more often discuss how you can raise yourself into Light. Yet the pain body, the body of You that is in pain, is ready to release this pain. It is important to realize this is within your power. The moment you recognize and name the pain, is the moment you can decide to release it. In your own personal life, you may have had much tragedy or a very easy life. This is varied. However, in your ancestral life, in your ancestral karma, there has been much suffering. Thus you are not only releasing your personal pain now—you are releasing the pain of the ancestral collective. Know also, this is not recent. This is not the pain of one or two generations back. This is the pain of the deep past. This is beyond the ancestors you knew, or the history you know. This is what you experienced in past life after past life, and this is coming now into your awareness to be recognized and healed. You are Burning Karma How are you to navigate this time? Stay out of anger. Stay out of hopelessness. Consider this a time when you are burning karma, and the fire is very, very hot. You will pass through the flame if you are aware of what is happening. Be aware. If you are not aware that collective soul is releasing collective karma, you will fight and struggle, and you will have a difficult time indeed. Accept pain is being released. Don’t fight it any more. Accept it, and begin to heal yourself. There is no shame in having karma, there is great joy in burning through karma. The issue is when you deny both and continue to live apart from your awareness. It is true that this message will reach some of you and will make no sense to others. We speak to those who are ready to change. As you do your work, you will clear the path for others who are coming into this understanding. Don’t be afraid if you are one of the ones who will go first. The rest will be arriving in due time. It is part of the process of evolution, and looking back you will find this shift has happened in the blink of an eye. What about politics, what about climate, what about all these pressing issues? All of these are changed when you change yourself. You change yourself by becoming fully present. By having eyes wide open, by acknowledging your pain, and by allowing yourself to release your pain—not just from this lifetime, but from all your lifetimes. How can this be done? There is a reason we continually ask you to be in nature, to eat plant foods, to meditate and pray, to attend to the small real things. This is where healing is. This is where true presence is. This is what is real. Whenever you notice you are dissociating—when you are in the trance of the phone, the computer, the news feed, the gossip, the negative thought loop, the toxic energy, the addiction to substances, the addiction to pornography, the addiction to shopping, the addiction to busyness, the addiction to politics… know that you are not really here. You are disassociated. You are numbed. You are in the trance of dark energies. When you become real: when you pay attention to the small real things that cannot be manipulated by humans, this is when you bring your attention into presence. Be here now, yes. Be still and know God, yes. And also: become aware of the insistence of negative thought loop and false information. This takes you away from presence. It must be dealt with. It is no small thing. It is the difference between you being here as true presence, and you drifting off into distraction and numbness. You must continually choose the small real thing. This is what matters. Release Your Pain Again, not all of you will understand this. But some of you will. We are not asking you to drop out of society or become reclusive. We are asking you to become very aware of what is real in front of you, and what is false, and to remove what is false from your attention. In this way you can begin to do the deeper work of releasing pain and connecting to Light, for yourself and for the soul collective. You cannot do the deeper work, until you have acknowledged and then released your pain. This is the task now: to be in the world with eyes wide open, looking at what is. And then to take that pain into the vast soul of your heart, with compassion and love, and allow it to be released. For those of you who understand, this is the most important work you can be doing now. For those of you who are still in the midst of the confusion and chaos that arrives from disassociation and distraction from what is real, we ask you to come back to yourself. Come back into your bodies, come back here, and look at what is around you with unflinching compassion. This is where healing can begin. You cannot heal if you are not really here. Come back, and be here. As for the future. The future is bright! The worst is over! Change has come! All revolutions, inner and outer, begin with the chaos and foment that you have seen in the last years. You have been in a war—a war of Light and dark, but also a war for your attention. Bring your attention to what is real, look with eyes wide open, and drop the distraction of manipulating dark forces. Now is the time to connect into your true self, your true essence, and hear the wisdom that is there. This is much more powerful than any news feed. This is where your guidance is. Don’t be fooled by the claims of the outer world. The inner world, your soul home, is where all guidance is for you. Wake up. Look at what is. Heal yourself and heal the collective. Go deep into yourself as soul and know who you really are. Great change is coming. Begin to prepare for the next passage of evolution. The next shift arrives soon. Much love, SARA P.S. Join us for The Messages Project, just $15! Comments are closed.
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.