DIVINESTROLOGY APRIL 2022 Everything is a dream Things seem different, don’t they? When you try to remember what the last years have been like, it doesn’t seem real, does it? You can’t quite remember, it all blurs together, you recall but not in detail. It feels like a dream, because you are beginning to exist in your life differently. Those of you who spend much time in journeying, meditation, prayer, yes and actually dreaming—you understand this sense of reality, the idea of real life, no longer having the sharp, jagged edges that it used to. The harsh light of day is softer. The suffering is there, but you are a little removed. The ambition is there, but it is different—not as bright or needy or brittle. We say: rejoice that you have reached this place. This is what reality—the true reality—of living as a multidimensional being in a multidimensional multiverse—in other words, of living as one of One, really feels like. You have dropped beyond the veil, and this allows you to see fully the black/white, yes/no, right/wrong aspects of the dominant reality, the mainstream. And you see, from your place beyond the veil, that this view is incorrect. Immature or childish even. It doesn’t make sense, does it? And yet this is the world, or much of it, still. Even as you—and so many of you—have dropped beyond the veil into a new reality entirely. We do not say ascension; this implies one being higher than another, or even spiritually better, and this is not possible. There is no hierarchy of souls. We say beyond, or shifted, or better still: expanded. You have expanded into your experience of yourself as a multidimensional being in a multidimensional multiverse—and yes, it all feels and looks and sounds like a dream because this is what it feels like to live in many dimensions at once. Everything happens in Now. You have heard this forever, but now you are feeling it for yourself. So how do you go from here, where everything seems like a dream, everything connected and blending into everything else, and you can’t quite put your finger on what is before it changes into the new what is? We say: don’t fight the river. Don’t push the Flow. Attend to your dreams. Allow the enchantment of nature. Allow the entrancement in the simplest of ordinary things. The emotions that roil and fume—do you see how even these are softer, your heart is bigger and more diffuse, there is less armor, and there is more love there? Let all this happen. There is nothing to do or see—even as you come out of years of solitude, you will find that what you most longed for and missed—that is not what you want now. Be in the dream, and know this is your new reality. Dream the dream—all of you as one of One dreaming a new dream. The old reality is fading. More changes are coming. Much love, SARA SPRING COURSES 2022!Have you seen our SPRING COURSE CATALOG? Learn more!
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Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.