It's here! Your 2024 Channeled Forecast for 2024!
Watch the PART ONE video here Watch the PART TWO video here Watch the PART THREE video here Get the PART ONE text here Get the PART TWO text here Get the PART THREE text here SUBSCRIBE for future forecasts! TREND REPORT 2024: PART TWO 2024 is an 8 year, which in numerology speaks of service and the infinite cycle of life and death, creation and destruction. In 2024, we see a shift from personal gain, competition and waste, to service, cooperation and conservation. It is a paradigm shift that leads a new global awareness. 1. Old structures fall Political, religious, business—all of it is shifting under the weight of massive change all at once. None of it is as before. Change comes from new generations arriving, those who have been born for this. Change comes from older generations transitioning. All of this old structure is falling away: not only the physical or practical structure—but the structure in your mind. Let it all fall away. Look with new eyes. Find solutions new ways. 2. Species awareness It’s not about humans. All species must be valued and protected in order to maintain the delicate interdependence of the life cycle. This is a new idea for most of you. Free your mind from the idea that humans are most important. What is small is much more important. 3. E.T.s among us Visitors from the stars return—except, they’ve never left. They don’t come from space ships. They’ve been hiding in plain sight. You will begin to meet unusual beings, who have new ways of solving problems. It is not all about science and technology. The real need of humanity is spiritual, and these beings show you how to increase telepathy, between them and you and amongst yourselves. As you meet them, study their calm and connection. They are here to help. 4. Pollution and waste Who gave you the idea that you could consume without concern for the ravage left behind? Who gave you the idea that profit for a few was valid? These are incorrect ideas, created in a time of greed and power. Gaia rebels, as she should. You rebel, as you should. You can only live in in alignment with Gaia. 5. Food breakthroughs The new weight loss drugs are the tip of the iceberg—and their opposite is true. If one person can lose weight, another person can be saved from starvation. Even as over consumption is ended, it is entirely possible for no one to be hungry. Processing and packaging for profit has made you sick. Processed food is the new tobacco. 6. Identity, sexuality New generations arrive with no clear understanding of why identity demarcations exist. It makes no sense to them. It’s an old idea, once valid but no longer real. Old structures tumble. 7. Climate adaptation For the near future, you cannot manage the climate—so you must adapt. You must move, migrate, live differently. This is a great relief for Gaia. You have seen from ancient populations that humanity moves, lives differently in different times. You must also adapt now. 8. Political shifts Politicians do not interest the younger generations, and barely hold the interest of the elders. Younger generations focus on what matters to them, and political posturing is not on the list. We witness a complete overhaul of who’s in charge, and how government is run. The parliamentary system, the global alliance begins. 9. Elections fizzle We expect a year of election drama, but that doesn’t unfold. The old guard falls like dominos; they’re finally gone. Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z infiltrate, as they have been born to do. It’s time. 10. Population shifts Populations decline in first world countries; expand in third world countries. The demographics of the planet shift within two generations. Gaia needs this change. 11. Birth control New birth control arrives without side effects, need for prescription, without religious or moral resistance. This shifts what people expect from a lifetime. 12. Life expectancy No added drug or supplement will help us live longer. It’s what not there that’s the key. Lose the irritant—not the inflammation, the irritant—and the cells remain young. What do we do with all that time? The answer is spiritual. 13. Right to die Must we suffer if we have a terminal illness? An individual’s right to choose their lifespan is controversial and a question we now face. Who is in charge of end of life—profit centers or the individual? 14. Personal transport Driverless cars continue to develop, but it’s what’s new is smaller transport: ebikes, covered ebikes, mini cars, hover cars, small flying orbs, personal transport for one or two. Roads and rail aren’t the only way we travel; we take to the (very low) sky. This year or next, the orb will be developed. Watch the PART ONE video here Watch the PART TWO video here Watch the PART THREE video here Get the PART ONE text here Get the PART TWO text here Get the PART THREE text here SUBSCRIBE for future forecasts! Comments are closed.
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.