Of Countries and Cults
The world is showing you a new understanding of Oneness. You are watching this unfold before your eyes. We know you are living in fear, or sensing fear, or working hard to keep fear at bay. This is a time that feels like wartime for those of you who remember, and for those of you who have heard of these times but not experienced them, you are recalling what wartime feels like. But do not be afraid. Light is arriving in shimmering knowing, and light is shining upon all corners of darkness. Recall that war can be physical and war can be mental, and what you are experiencing is the stress of mental fear and mental chaos. This is what you are fighting. Your fear. Remember: your fear is an illusion of darkness, the silky manipulation of separation, and it is not real. You, as soul, are free! You, as collective soul, are starting to finally recognize your interdependence, your interconnection, your true Oneness, not just as humans but as all of Gaia, one living breathing entity among the vast family of entities in the Universe. So even as plagues and diseases come, and the climate violence arrives, you are seeing that Oneness is becoming known in collective soul. This is not something that is about countries. The division of countries is not real, it is arbitrary and rational, it is not true. In reality, on this planet, on Gaia there are no countries. No one owns the land, no one owns the nation, no nation is sovereign, no dividing lines are real. It is all fallacy and old system, and it is falling fast. Separation Does Not Hold If a disease can cross from country to country, the border does not hold. If climate can cross from country to country, the border does not hold. If people can cross from country , the border does not hold. The border does not hold because it is something made up in the mind. Even a child can see that the earth, that Gaia, has no divisions. It is One, as you are all One. Not just you as humans connected to each other, but you as humans and nature and spirit and substance, all energies are connected without end. Not just on Gaia either. The entire Universe as One. So you are beginning to learn this lesson. Borders are not really real. They are false, and they are coming down because they have no meaning in the new reality that is unfolding right before your eyes. It may feel frightening to watch this, or it may feel thrilling, but either way this is what is happening, over time. Will this falling away of borders, this no border world happen in a year? No. In a decade? No. But it is happening over time, and this is the bigger reality to watch, underneath the political posturing that is abjectly false. Don’t be fooled. Notice what is really happening. Cults Fall Away The cult is also falling away. You have been seeing this: the cult of politics, the cult of religion, the cult of banking, the cult of corporations. And also, in more heady ways, the cult of cult: how many have been taken down, the #metoo, the abuse, the old guard, how many have been called out and taken down, finally the weak become strong enough to say what is real and to say what has happened. The more you can release yourself from all cults, from all identities, the more easily this will be for you. Even if you feel you are right, even if you align with a side or belief that feels right, trust that this is also a cult, even if it is a light cult. Just notice. The only cult that is real is the cult of soul, which is not a belief system or an ideology, but merely the reality of beingness, which you know at your core. At the core and key, Oneness is winning. Collective soul is aware of itself, and collective soul has the modus to expand. This mean collective soul will move toward expansion and more Oneness, and anything that is contracted or separate will drop away. This is what is beginning now. Do not be afraid. Recognize you are here, you agreed to come here, to be a part of this astounding transition from separation to Oneness. You already know what to do, which is to open your heart, which is where your soul resides, to the new paradigm of Oneness that is forming even as you notice the old structures, the old systems falling away. Trust in the Universe. Expansion is natural. You are soul, and you will feel better and better, lighter and lighter, as greater expansion into Oneness continues. Much love, SARA Comments are closed.
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.