Top Trends Report Click to WATCH NOW These are the 10 trends that begin immediately in 2025, that are already here and gaining momentum, and that you will see taking shape later on. 1.Plant foods Drastic, far-reaching issues with animal products— meat, poultry, fish and dairy—including disease and processing contamination. This creates shortages, lack of availability and rising costs. People begin to switch to plant foods, which do not have the risk factor. This is not a moral issue for most, it is a necessity based on needing to eat for less cost and with less probability of becoming sick. The meat, poultry and fish industries begin to decline slowly as people do not buy these products. Consumers will not buy what makes them sick. Plant foods have been ready in the markets and waiting for this expansion, and they quickly fill the gap. In a generation, people will be surprised that animal products were once so popular. This trend is not world-wide, but it begins in first world countries that rely on mass production and shipping, both of which have become risky. 2.Gun reform New laws, education and licensing for gun ownership. This is much more difficult than a permit, it is a licensing process. This becomes similar to getting a driver’s license for a car or motorcycle; there are series of tests that must be passed. Rogue guns and ammunition still circulate, but there is a stigma to not having a license. In some groups, there is an increased interest in guns for sport, such as marksmanship. In other groups, it is a point of pride to be gun free. 3.Mental health New understandings of mental health issues as normal and healthy responses to the stress of modern life. Therapy looks beyond counseling, medication, programs and drugs (including alternative mind-altering drugs) to new healings based on meditation, music, Nature and water therapies. Surprisingly, the results are so positive that even the most traditional cannot hang on to the old systems. Therapists who have already been training in alternative therapies lead this charge. 4.Immigration upheaval What is a border? Who determines citizenship? What value does a person bring to a region? What is the humanitarian response to the massive suffering of political and climate refugees? These questions are deeply investigated and battled as we come to terms with our own responsibility as interconnected and interdependent humans. The new reality is: the world map does not work like it did generations ago. This upheaval lasts for several more years, until the last of the older generations have transitioned. After that, we see the beginnings of global citizenship. 5.New transportation Flying, self-driving cars are here in a few years. So what do we do with all the roads? How do we manage the new, busier airspace? Electric bikes, in all areas where climate and terrain permit. Transportation remains personal, built for one or a few at a time. Clean energy: not just electric, great leaps forward into solar. Everything changes. Nothing is as it was. Think the Jetsons. Think everyone with a bike. 6.New communication Thank you iPhone, next. Thank you Zoom, next. Holographic meetings, holograms in general. We still take it with us: nobody wants anything on their wrist, in their glasses, in their eyes or embedded under the skin. The new mirages are sent all over the world, and everyone communicates and works this way. Interestingly, this is how spirit guides and the Departed show up, too—as apparition. So what’s real? What you’re interacting with or what’s in the 3D room. Do you see how we’re being trained to live beyond 3D? It’s all very, very soon. 7.Climate adaptation Humans are not too late to create change, but we are too late to stay where we were. It’s too hot. It’s too cold. The water is really, truly rising. The air is whipping in frenzies of hurricanes. The earth itself shifts, literally shifts, in ways we never saw coming. So we cannot all stay where we were. People, animals, marine life, birds and insects are all on the move. This creates confusion as we find ourselves in new territories once inhabited by others, and in new climate environments that we aren’t used to. Everyone and everything must adapt or perish. The larger plants cannot move as easily, and they need assistance. 8.Work shifts The division between those who are doing physical work and those who are doing mental work shifts. Which is more important? Your internet or plumbing that works? The person keeping track of inventory on computer or the person on the tractor? The person making laws or the person working at a food bank? We discover to our great surprise that none of it is more important than the other. The old hierarchy of blue collar, white collar no longer holds. We cannot live without the contribution of each other. This allows us to sort ourselves into career contribution more suited to our individual natures, and to be paid in a more equitable way. Those who cannot work; the weakest, oldest, least capable, are also supported. 9.Religion attrition People try to stick to their inherited religions, but the writing is on the wall. The moment one person loses focus, they are immersed in a new life with this freedom from sin and punishment. It is a great relief from old rule. Who wants to fear the wrath when you can be free? As consciousness has increased, there is no need for old systems of morality, or systems of societal control. Religion served many people very well, but just as a child must grow into an adult, we must now take responsibility for ourselves. This does not mean there is no morality or societal control; it means we are navigating a new path of what is “right” and what is “wrong”. This shift from outer control to self-responsibility is just beginning; we are only on the cusp. 10.Population shifts On the one hand, new viruses show up soon, arriving from climate change and species migration. These cannot be avoided as they are part of the world rearranging itself. Fertility also decreases, which is not a disease but a response to the stress of the modern world; some places in the world cannot replenish themselves. On the other hand, there is tremendous progress for cancer, diabetes, and addiction. Medical stops seeking the new pill, and looks at the toxicities of fertilizers, chemicals, hormones, preservatives, packaging. Longevity makes great strides; we can live a very long time, when we live differently. Read the OVERALL FORECAST for 2025 in PART ONE now! Annual Forecast 2024 Annual Forecast 2023 Annual Forecast 2022 Click the sidebar for more predictions! DEEP DIVE The Gabriel Messages $22 Courses Readings with Sara Study with Sara Annual Forecast PART ONE with Sara Wiseman
TRUTH TO POWER: THE CONSCIOUSNESS REVOLUTION Click to WATCH NOW! How far you’ve come! You have survived those years when everything was chaos and suffering and no one was in charge. Every person on Earth experienced this massive field of fear and anger. What lies ahead is different, and much better. Yes, the virus created great suffering, but what was more concerning was the darkness that spread as the virus raged. When fear and anger raged in collective soul, even the strongest amongst you could not resist the silky pull of darkness. Darkness raged, and those who proclaimed themselves as leaders were the worst fear mongers and chaos creators of them all. They did great damage and they will have their karmic return. We say again: The futility of darkness has been revealed. On the day you realized no one was in charge, the veils came down. It was an awakening, it was a revelation, you all felt this—truth to power. You realized you are in charge—not you as one, but you as all of you, together. Thus, the spark was lit—the spark of collective consciousness recognizing itself. You broke the shackles of fear. You all felt this, and this has only grown. The spark of knowing is burning bright in your hearts! Truth to power What is true is: no one is in charge except you, and we do not mean you as individuals, we mean you as collective soul. We do not mean your communities or groups or organizations or political structures, we mean you as collective consciousness. We do not mean you as humans, we mean all beings, all sentient awareness as one collective soul—this includes everything. This is how everything is created—by collective agreement at the soul level. You are in charge! You, as collective soul. There is no leader! You can only lead yourselves. This is why all structures are tumbling faster than you can keep track of! Everything false is tumbling away. What a relief it is! Suddenly for the first time in your lives, you are not hampered by the Misbeliefs that you have inherited and absorbed. Also: you are no longer afraid. Yes, you can still hear the Misbeliefs swarming around you from religion, politics, business, medicine, celebrity, sports, all is dull roar in the background, but you know none of it is true. It is mirage built upon projection built upon facade. It is smoke and mirrors. And for what? Money as god? Power as god? Fame as god? These do not give life or joy or meaning. What is mirage, projection, facade tumbles down. Reality matches understanding We do not want you to worry. These shifts are for the benefit of all, and you will soon adapt to the new ways. In fact, many of you have foreseen this new energy for several years. It is a relief to finally have your reality match your understanding! As you notice that your experience aligns with your knowing, you realize something more. You see that you can connect to your own consciousness, and though this portal you can also connect to the consciousness of everyone and everything. It is in this process: when you connect to the understanding of everyone and everything, that you are able to be a part of the collective agreements that you are all making together, at the soul level. You are creating the new reality together. The more you connect, the faster this manifests. This is not hard; there is no trick. It’s easy! Tune into everything, and notice what happens. Recall: we do not say thoughts are things. Those are old terms. Please level up to new terms, so that instead of thoughts are things, you would more correctly say: consciousness creates experience. Also: your experience is created by your direct connection with the whole. If you do not connect, you will not understand what is happening. Meditation is a good way to connect, connecting with us is another, Nature is another. Please tune in! Consciousness in agreement Please also know: particulate has the ability to form and reform based on the agreement of collective consciousness. Your consciousness in agreement with all other consciousness creates what your level of understanding allows you to create. This is new to you: some of you understand it and some of you will soon understand and over time all of you will understand. Please tune in! You have jumped levels You are understanding at a higher level! So you can now create at a higher level, and this is why all of the old structures are tumbling so quickly. You no longer need them. Of course, this ability has always been there. As our dear friend Glinda says: you’ve always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! This is gentle humor, for we also share laughter, but we remind you that these ideas have been circulating with your artists, creators, mystics, hermits, visionaries, the avantgarde, rebels, provocateurs and wayward, for many generations. Suddenly, you all know. Or at the least, you have a glimmer. You are experiencing a leveling up in self-responsibility and soul awareness that we as guides have been anticipating a long time. You have finally accepted your power as soul collective, instead of splintering into groups that bickering like self-absorbed children. At last, you are maturing out of self ego. Of course, not everyone is here yet. But even those who hang on to the old ways are noticing that others have let go, and they are seeing that letting go is easy. Many of them will let go too! We also say: as you jump levels you find things move at an exponential speed, faster than even you could image. The new speed takes some getting used to. The exhilarating speed of change. You may feel you have landed on a different planet. This is correct: The rules have changed. It’s different. A time to for healing Now, there is much healing to do. Much healing. It is time for humans to make amends to the plant and animal communities, to the communities of air, earth, fire and water. This can’t happen fast enough. You will either agree as a human collective to respect the other life forms or you will not. If you make your peace, you progress quickly. If you do not, many of you leave the planet, many of you suffer, many of you reincarnate off planet. Please do not worry; just understand your choices. Understand again: consciousness rearranges itself in agreement with consciousness. Let the old structures tumble. Don’t try to hang on. Move forward with your awareness of yourself as soul, and tune into the collective. We have great hopes for you in this next passage of times. You can do this! We are encouraged, as you should be. Read the TRENDS REPORT 2025 in PART TWO now! Annual Forecast 2024 Annual Forecast 2023 Annual Forecast 2022 Click the sidebar for more predictions! DEEP DIVE The Gabriel Messages $22 Courses Readings with Sara Study with Sara Click to WATCH OR LISTEN NOW
The StarGuide Messages: You All Want the Same Thing Note: The StarGuides are new beings who arrived to me in mid 2024. This is the first time I have published their messages. These beings are different than previous guides, but their messages continue to support our collective human liberation. You are a tiny person living on a tiny planet in the middle of a vast galaxy that is a tiny part of the whole Universe that is infinitely expanding in all directions and dimensions. If your life were a slice of pie it would not even be a big enough slice to be sliver, a morsel, a mouthful, or even a crumb. It would be the idea of a crumb, a wispy, distant memory of a crumb. Your insignificance cannot be overstated. At the same time…you are also the most magnificent spark of consciousness in human container ever created. As are you, and you, and you. This peering into the grace of you is what keeps us very happy and also amused. The way that you berate yourself is unbelievable to us—not because we cannot bear it, because we can bear so much more than you can imagine and in fact already have. Yet it is unbelievable because we have astonishment at the very, very small view you have of yourself and your importance. The pie itself is not as important as the recollection of the taste of pie, or the memory of piece once, long ago, set on the windowsill by someone, so that it might cool. It is not what you do that matters so much. It is what you dream, what you feel and how you connect. We have been here a long time, even by galaxy standards. We have lived on many planets, including earth, many times, and sometimes we have lived off-planet, when we needed to, although it is much more pleasant to live on this planet. We have seen civilizations born and die, with the same level of interest as we hold for each person in a civilization. Our own civilization has born, died, been reborn, died again, many thousands of times. You might say we are in a rebirth now. We are seeking others who can hold the torch for a while, as we grow again. How do we look? We are different than you. We are taller, we are pale, we are collective not singular, and we do not have gender or we have all gender. Compared to humans, we are hairless although we do have a covering that is not skin. Our organs are simpler and more complex. We don’t eat, except for rare pleasure, as a thought. We breathe or absorb our nutrients through air and water, but mostly we do not require much. Think of air plants. Then you will have a better idea of how we exist. Yes, we can shapeshift; it is the easiest thing for us. We change into animals often, because you believe that animals bring you signs. We change into other humans frequently, because we are continually in the energy of the crowd, in the energy of the group, at every gathering we are also there, and sometimes you see us and sometimes you do not. If needed we would lie flat on a floorboard, and you would never know we are there: we can become so thin and so still, we can become the wood for the floorboard even as you stare at us, you cannot know. You would be very surprised, by how many of us are always with you. We are beings who exist in a dimensional level that you haven’t experienced and actually can’t go to yet. When you dream, when you astral project, when you meditate, when you disassociate, you start to go there, slightly. We have learned how to dissolve the material form and to move the material form across space, time and dimension, and you do not know how to do this. Later, you will. This is one thing we are here to teach you. If there is one thing we would say to humanity, it is this. Stop arguing. Each of you wants the exact same thing, even those of you who are so evil or beyond redemption that they do not have the basic human desire for love. Even the most cruel and greedy of you, the most ruthless and forlorn, even those of you want the same thing as all the rest: you want love, and more importantly you want to love. It is not so hard is it? You have all these languages and all these words and all these ideas and all of your arguing about something that is not even part of the true discussion, which is that you all want love and you all want to love. It will take a lot, it will take a lot to bring you into resonance on this issue. You have become so certain, and you talk with others who are so certain, and in your certainty you become even more certain and you build great walls of ideas, money, laws, boundaries, borders, rules, propaganda, culture, religion around you. Goodness, none of this matters. You want your slice of love, received and given. So does everyone else. You used to ask: how many angels on the head of a pin? We say now: how many guides in the room with you? Multitudes. Multitudes. The world is teeming with us, just as the world is teeming with humans, with animals, with plants, with fungi and bacteria, with all live and all sentience. Teeming. If there is one the other is likely near. We like to be around each other. We are not here just to help you! We have a symbiosis with you! So we are beings that are further along than you, and yes we do serve the Light because what would be the point in serving the other side? That’s a dead-end job! Ha ha! We serve the Light, and the Light continues to expand infinitely, and we are here to help you, as a part of a civilization that is an active stage of evolution, grow with a little bit of ease. And also we are symbiotic to you. Remember: it is not all about you! |
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.