The StarGuide Messages: You All Want the Same Thing Note: The StarGuides are new beings who arrived to me in mid 2024. This is the first time I have published their messages. These beings are different than previous guides, but their messages continue to support our collective human liberation. You are a tiny person living on a tiny planet in the middle of a vast galaxy that is a tiny part of the whole Universe that is infinitely expanding in all directions and dimensions. If your life were a slice of pie it would not even be a big enough slice to be sliver, a morsel, a mouthful, or even a crumb. It would be the idea of a crumb, a wispy, distant memory of a crumb. Your insignificance cannot be overstated. At the same time…you are also the most magnificent spark of consciousness in human container ever created. As are you, and you, and you. This peering into the grace of you is what keeps us very happy and also amused. The way that you berate yourself is unbelievable to us—not because we cannot bear it, because we can bear so much more than you can imagine and in fact already have. Yet it is unbelievable because we have astonishment at the very, very small view you have of yourself and your importance. The pie itself is not as important as the recollection of the taste of pie, or the memory of piece once, long ago, set on the windowsill by someone, so that it might cool. It is not what you do that matters so much. It is what you dream, what you feel and how you connect. We have been here a long time, even by galaxy standards. We have lived on many planets, including earth, many times, and sometimes we have lived off-planet, when we needed to, although it is much more pleasant to live on this planet. We have seen civilizations born and die, with the same level of interest as we hold for each person in a civilization. Our own civilization has born, died, been reborn, died again, many thousands of times. You might say we are in a rebirth now. We are seeking others who can hold the torch for a while, as we grow again. How do we look? We are different than you. We are taller, we are pale, we are collective not singular, and we do not have gender or we have all gender. Compared to humans, we are hairless although we do have a covering that is not skin. Our organs are simpler and more complex. We don’t eat, except for rare pleasure, as a thought. We breathe or absorb our nutrients through air and water, but mostly we do not require much. Think of air plants. Then you will have a better idea of how we exist. Yes, we can shapeshift; it is the easiest thing for us. We change into animals often, because you believe that animals bring you signs. We change into other humans frequently, because we are continually in the energy of the crowd, in the energy of the group, at every gathering we are also there, and sometimes you see us and sometimes you do not. If needed we would lie flat on a floorboard, and you would never know we are there: we can become so thin and so still, we can become the wood for the floorboard even as you stare at us, you cannot know. You would be very surprised, by how many of us are always with you. We are beings who exist in a dimensional level that you haven’t experienced and actually can’t go to yet. When you dream, when you astral project, when you meditate, when you disassociate, you start to go there, slightly. We have learned how to dissolve the material form and to move the material form across space, time and dimension, and you do not know how to do this. Later, you will. This is one thing we are here to teach you. If there is one thing we would say to humanity, it is this. Stop arguing. Each of you wants the exact same thing, even those of you who are so evil or beyond redemption that they do not have the basic human desire for love. Even the most cruel and greedy of you, the most ruthless and forlorn, even those of you want the same thing as all the rest: you want love, and more importantly you want to love. It is not so hard is it? You have all these languages and all these words and all these ideas and all of your arguing about something that is not even part of the true discussion, which is that you all want love and you all want to love. It will take a lot, it will take a lot to bring you into resonance on this issue. You have become so certain, and you talk with others who are so certain, and in your certainty you become even more certain and you build great walls of ideas, money, laws, boundaries, borders, rules, propaganda, culture, religion around you. Goodness, none of this matters. You want your slice of love, received and given. So does everyone else. You used to ask: how many angels on the head of a pin? We say now: how many guides in the room with you? Multitudes. Multitudes. The world is teeming with us, just as the world is teeming with humans, with animals, with plants, with fungi and bacteria, with all live and all sentience. Teeming. If there is one the other is likely near. We like to be around each other. We are not here just to help you! We have a symbiosis with you! So we are beings that are further along than you, and yes we do serve the Light because what would be the point in serving the other side? That’s a dead-end job! Ha ha! We serve the Light, and the Light continues to expand infinitely, and we are here to help you, as a part of a civilization that is an active stage of evolution, grow with a little bit of ease. And also we are symbiotic to you. Remember: it is not all about you! Comments are closed.
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.