The StarGuide Messages: Oneness is the Golden Rule You have been hearing of others also making contact, haven’t you? Of course you have. This is what is happening, and we have been waiting a long time for this. We are thrilled to meet you! You once believed that the extra-terrestrial contact would arrive by us landing in our spaceships or contraptions or whatever you imagined this to be. We are delighted and amused that you have had these very young beliefs! In fact, we have been living among you, many of us off-planet beings, multitudes, for many, many thousands of years. We haven’t been particularly hidden, because you have been so busy paying attention to yourselves that you can’t even see what is right in front of you. This has made it incredibly simple to live side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and you have not even imagined us as a potential reality. Yet here we are. Some of us have been here for thousands of years, many of you are descendants of us, and also there are many other off-planet species that have traveled and navigated here; they are also here and have been here for shorter and longer times, all of us living among you. For you, as human, are not really the majority species, are you? Compared to bacteria, for example, you are a minuscule contribution to the whole. It is important to start to look at things differently, rather than from the human top-down experience, where you are the top of the pyramid in terms of importance, and the other animals below, then the plants, then the insects, then the fungi, or however you have determined your pyramid of importance. This pyramid is not only inaccurate, is a completely incorrect way of looking at existence and the consciousness that exists amongst all of us. We have come here to whisper into the ears of humans who are listening or able to listen or starting to listen, and we are correcting this concept. Humans have no more important than any other species, and in fact no species is more important than the other. There is a symbiotic relationship between all species, some have direct symbiotic relationships and others have several degrees of separation or several degrees of inclusion. We have a symbiotic relationship with you, human, and yes: this will be explained soon. We are taking you through one step at a time. What we would like you to understand first is that the entire paradigm of humans on top, other species below is unfailingly incorrect. A single bacterium can take any human down. This is the story of David and Goliath, the many fairy tales you have heard where the small can rule the large. The meek shall inherit the earth, Jesus said. He did not necessarily refer to humans. If you can take the entire chart of human superiority shown to you in school and shown to you by your culture, your science, your politics, your religion, and drilled into your head by your own sense of egoic important and the way that you have begun to inhabit the world, you will do better. Throw the entire chart away, the entire pyramid of power, and realize it is wrong. Your arrogance will not serve you in these new times. Best to let it go. Not only is it wrong in that it is incorrect, but it is also wrong in that it is not a part of Oneness. If you truly believe in Oneness you understand that Oneness is an absolute. Oneness is an absolute, there is no argument to Oneness. It is the Golden Rule, it is Universal Law, it is the principle that applies to everything. There is no duality, there is no belief system, there is nothing but consciousness as One, in all the different forms and formations that this creates and destroys. Everything is Oneness all the time. If you believe this, if you believe that you are part of this and you apply this idea of no separation to your life, you realize that you yourself is also not very important. You are not very important. Or rather, you can do nothing important by yourself. You are not very important. Or rather, you are only important when you work with others. You are not very important. Or rather, you are only important when you contribute to the whole. You are absolutely important. You have a great deal of power when you shut off your mind and your culture and tend to your soul. If you want to change the world, you must be part of the world. Get out of the cave, get out of the mind, get out of the isolation that is a myth. You cannot be separate. Do not even try. You are part of, and this acceptance allows you to tune into all the ways you can contribute. Another way to say contribute is serve. You here to serve each other, because you are each other. This no longer applies to humans only, and in fact it never did. Comments are closed.
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January 2025
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.