October 2024 Channeled Forecast with Sara Wiseman
As soul you are free WATCH NOW LISTEN NOW When you consider all the moments you’ve been alive, and all the ways you’ve participated in your life, why do you think you are here? Do you think you are here to accomplish some task in the future—something you are still working toward, that must be completed or realized before you die? Or perhaps you have already completed the most important task of your lifetime—and you do not even know what it is. You won’t know until later. Or maybe you will never know. This Mystery is part of what life is. Maybe it was taking a chance. Maybe it was making a choice. Maybe it was showing up. Maybe it was walking away. Maybe it was none of these. Maybe it was something else. A lifetime is a string of pearls, one moment experienced after the next, all of them tied carefully together, so all are connected forever. No moment is better than or more meaningful than another. The way you drink a cup of water is as important as the way you open a door. Every moment is a perfect encapsulated part of time that may be experienced fully. Your whole life is filled with these moments. If you examined your life, one pearl at a time, for your entire span from birth to death, which may be minutes or years away, would you leave out any? If any pearl could be taken out, and the necklace restrung, would you do that? By now you know: every moment matters. You are here to experience everything. By now you also know: change always comes. Even in the worst of times, the times when the suffering was so great you did not know how you would survive, there were moments of unexpected grace. Even in the best of times, when you were so happy you forgot to worry, change arrived. The part of you that is here to experience everything knows this. Don’t forget! Everything has formed you. Everything you have experienced has created your self in the world. The soul arrives perfect, it has nothing to learn. But the human creates its own pearl, a grain of sand compressed by time and life into something beautiful. Everything you have experienced becomes you. The hard parts in your life seem harder when you are in them. When you are through the fire, the hard parts fade into something that you can’t access in the same way anymore. It is not that you can’t remember, or you don’t want to remember. It’s that you’re here Now. Now is where your attention is. Life flows in a way that makes it easy to see what’s ahead. In this way, decisions are not hard or fraught with concern. You simply watch the energy of events as they move in your life, you pay attention to synchronicities and attune to where the energy is headed. When you follow the flow of life, it is easy to understand what to do next. Flow with what is flowing. Life unfolds around you, no matter how you try to control it. All the fixing, saving, healing and helping in the world will not stop life unfolding as it would. Understanding this allows you to relax, and brings a great sense of relief. No one can save the world. You cannot even save yourself. You can only be in the moment, and experience what is Now. Recall also: you cannot create anything alone. Everything in the Universe is accomplished by the agreement of collective soul, for this is what the Universe is. You are part of it, but you are not in charge of it. Apply your efforts to what shows up in front of you. The burden of evolution, which is not a trial but rather an enjoyment, is something that you are all participating in. As well: the body needs to relax and be in the stillness of a safe place. Don’t forget you have a body! Just as you might care for an animal or plant, to make sure they have what they need, give yourself this. The distracted dramas of the modern world are not easy for any living being, and this includes you. Take care. Don’t forget! In these times of change, of pendulum swing, your task becomes even more clear: you are here to be exactly who you are, not like anyone else. You are here to contribute your unique self to the world, without hindrance by group thought, the misery of dominant culture. Nobody can tell you how to live, or what is right or wrong. Let the old rules fall: discover what is true for yourself. Your life is a gift, free and clear. What a miracle, to be sovereign as soul! There is no ruler, politics, economics, law, situation that can control your awareness. This is yours. Workshop: Come to our October Workshop Study: Try our $22 courses Listen: NEW podcast episode Comments are closed.
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.