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Click to LISTEN NOW Channeled Forecast DECEMBER 2024 Letting Go of Grasping Collectively, you are learning to work together. Most of you have resisted the lesson that you do not need to get your own way. Your own way is not important or significant, because the bigger aspect of what you are working on is that you are part of. You are not separate, so that whatever you want and strive for affects every other human, animal, plant, cell, molecule, particulate. You have been marching around with a sense of your own important for many decades—yet this approach is no longer serving you. This aspect of your development has run its course. A person will be selfish until they mature out of being selfish. It is a process. A self-serving nature will continue until that person has experienced suffering at the deepest level. For some, suffering is loss, for some it is trauma, for some it is the deep grief and heartbreak that arrives and changes the person’s entire perspective. Many of you have been through this, or are going through it now. The Universe does not punish, however the Universe will continue to send wake up calls until the call is finally answered. In this world of continuous distraction, it has been hard to get your attention. So many things clamor for your attention, and it is hard for you to discern or decide what is important, what is real and what is simply fluff disguised as importance. So much of what you strive for has absolutely no value for you, and yet you continue to grasp as if it matters. It is time for a deep look. If you feel you have experienced enough suffering and do not want to experience more, you may look at your response and notice that anything that reflects separation will be an incorrect response. Whenever you feel: right or wrong, better or worse, all of this is separation When you feel: us against them, this is also separation. You will not choose Oneness because it is a way to end suffering, although that is true. You will choose Oneness, eventually, because it is the only answer that offers a true solution for the human experience. You will eventually, each of you, in this lifetime or the next lifetimes, let go of grasping, of judging, of fear and of anger. There is a need to look with tenderness at those around you, even and especially those you do not like. For some this will be on the larger scale: letting go of hatred and rage against groups of people who do not agree with you. For others this will be on the smaller scale: letting go of hate and rage against those you know best: the family, the partner, the friend, the neighbor, the colleague: letting go of separation in the personal. It is very hard work, this letting go of grasping. You will not be successful right away. You will look around, as you practice letting go of attachment to how things should be and instead witness what is, and you will be angered and discouraged because it may feel that you are the only one, the only human on the planet who is doing this work! It is not so. A great many of you are doing this work! Many of you are opening into Oneness at an accelerated pace, and even though it is hard work, you are making progress. As one solves the riddle, as one enters the koan of Oneness, another sees what is happening and follows the Light. So many of you are removing the armor of separation, and beginning to see your experience in a new way. This is reality—this is what is happening. The gears are shifting. Change is here; it has been here for many years now, and you are finally realizing it is not going away. There is no battle of dark and Light. There is no clarion call. There is only the shedding of ignorance, which is the belief in separation. There only this shedding, and the waking up to the reality of collective soul, which is Oneness. Again, we say: awakening is not raising vibration. Awakening is not Love and Light. Awakening is being with what is, exactly as it, and knowing everything as One. The collective soul is recognizing itself. This is what is happening Now. There is no going back—it is impossible to go backwards! Let go of the old ways and old thoughts and old beliefs, and be with what you see in front of you. Every moment brings more change. There is no stopping your evolution. There is no stopping your opening to Oneness. STUDY WITH SARA Want to study directly with Sara? Registration closes soon for Spiritual Psychic Winter 2025. READINGS WITH SARA Yes! The calendar is open! Sign up for a Reading with Sara. |
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December 2024
Sara Wiseman is a visionary teacher of spiritual intuition. She's taught hundreds of thousands of students via her books, courses and training.